

So there i am with a fat mixdown of a new track with some sweet clipping going on. I like the current volume levels of everything but I want to make sure that nothing is clipping. Now, should I make sure no clipping occurs before the mixdown happens? Or should I ignore it and take care of it with some Normalizing or Compression after the mixdown? Or...should I do something else such as run a few EQ's over the mixdown to cut down some of the clipping frequencies and then normalize or what?

You guys that do this sort of thing, how would you solve this problem...mind you I'v e tried a lot of these solutions, in various ways. But I'm an amature go figure.
Ummm... So are you mixing or mastering?

What you're describing sounds like you're mixing and about to master later?

If all the tracks are clipping just bring all your tracks down the same amount until none of them are clipping, if you're clipping your output, then just turn it down until it isn't clipping.

If you're actually mastering it and not mixing and your levels are clipping the stereo bus then you don't have your output ceiling on your limiter set correctly, otherwise turn all the tracks down until nothings clipping.

Never normalize anything unless you absolutley have to because levels are incredibly low.
SPLASTiK said:
Ummm... So are you mixing or mastering?

What you're describing sounds like you're mixing and about to master later?

If all the tracks are clipping just bring all your tracks down the same amount until none of them are clipping, if you're clipping your output, then just turn it down until it isn't clipping.

If you're actually mastering it and not mixing and your levels are clipping the stereo bus then you don't have your output ceiling on your limiter set correctly, otherwise turn all the tracks down until nothings clipping.

Never normalize anything unless you absolutley have to because levels are incredibly low.
hey man. if any individual tracks are clipping i would solo them and listen and then try turning it down and see if it sounds better(individual track). ive noticed when tracks clip when recording digitally they dont sound as good, thinner and not as full sounding. so check that out. if that is the case then turn all the tracks down and turn the master up and you should be good to go. just use your ears though because sometimes when it says its clipping digitally it still sounds good so just listen and go with what sounds best.