Mathematics delayed for years?

Okay... I can only say that I'm a little disapointed that it would take that long to release an album, that supposedly, just needs to be recorded if i'm not mistaken?

If it's going to take that long... I would suspect it may have to do with things outside of Watchtower (day jobs, family, travel distance, ect.), god knows that is why it's taking us so long to finish recording our new material!!! :eek:

In any case, if thay have every intention to record/release "Mathmatics" , then I will patiently wait and suffer with the rest of the harcore Watchtower fans... hopefully it doesn't take years....

I would agree with your assessment. I also think it is not about their abilities, creativity or desire, but instead LIFE (work, wives, children, scheduling, geography)...

It's not 1985 anymore. Time has moved on...

But it's still a bummer...
