MegadetH New album!


Wasteland Survivor
Mar 5, 2003
Underneath your bed
So it looks like Megadeth is going in the studio in September, FUCK YEAH! I hope the new one is fast and furious, Im looking forward to it man. Im eager to hear Chris write some fresh material to kick the crowds ass with.:kickass:
So it looks like Megadeth is going in the studio in September, FUCK YEAH! I hope the new one is fast and furious, Im looking forward to it man. Im eager to hear Chris write some fresh material to kick the crowds ass with.:kickass:

Man, that's fucking awesome! I seriously loved United Abominations, that was a step in the right direction!

I'm mostly looking forward to hear Chris Broderick on it, though. I remember seeing the 'Deth live, back in February. Haha, yeah, it was Valentines Day. Instead of actually trying to be with a chick, I was watching Dave and the guys go at it, awesome night that was. Chris Broderick literally blew my mind, his performance was amazing, sheer brilliance.

In any case, I'm very much looking forward to this.
Man, that's fucking awesome! I seriously loved United Abominations, that was a step in the right direction!

I'm mostly looking forward to hear Chris Broderick on it, though. I remember seeing the 'Deth live, back in February. Haha, yeah, it was Valentines Day. Instead of actually trying to be with a chick, I was watching Dave and the guys go at it, awesome night that was. Chris Broderick literally blew my mind, his performance was amazing, sheer brilliance.

In any case, I'm very much looking forward to this.

Yeah man, im sure its going to be fucking great:kickass:
Hey Everyone,

I figured I would leave a quick update to let you know how things are going. I have started running ideas Dave’s way and so far so good. Some of the things I have in the mix are: a slightly commercial metal tune, a Flamenco inspired all acoustic song (almost ready for submission), a quick paced heavy tune, Prelude and Fugue for two guitars and bass, and I have even come up with a way to embed hidden messages in the music that you more astute listeners will be able to decipher (but more on that later). All of this is just a submission so it doesn't mean that any of it will make it on the next CD (it's got to sound like Megadeth) but I think it's a good start.

Take care, Chris.
Good to hear, Chris!

I have a question, which probably has an obvious answer but I'd still like to know. Do you have any plans on integrating your 7-string into the new album? I don't think Megadeth has done it before, but it would definitely be interesting.
Thanks for the update Chris - ya know inquiring minds want to know! Ha! Sounds like you've presented some cool ideas ( and very Broderick - no less ). Here's hoping they make it to the disc. A little 7 wouldn't hurt either!!
Thanks for the update Chris, if you guys push the limits and make a killer diverse, dynamic record with lots of details and suprises things should be electrically amazing. Take your time guys, work hard, focus, zone in, and the metal warriors will guide the way to glory.
Hey Chris
You gonna get Mike Learn to do the art again? 'Cuz you know... If you need an artist to make artwork for you, I'm always available....
Good to hear, Chris!

I have a question, which probably has an obvious answer but I'd still like to know. Do you have any plans on integrating your 7-string into the new album? I don't think Megadeth has done it before, but it would definitely be interesting.

I will definitly use it for my writing, again it will come down to it sounding like Megadeth that will determine if the material makes it. The Flamenco acoustic piece is on an Ibanez 7.

Hey Everyone,

I figured I would leave a quick update to let you know how things are going. I have started running ideas Dave’s way and so far so good. Some of the things I have in the mix are: a slightly commercial metal tune, a Flamenco inspired all acoustic song (almost ready for submission), a quick paced heavy tune, Prelude and Fugue for two guitars and bass, and I have even come up with a way to embed hidden messages in the music that you more astute listeners will be able to decipher (but more on that later). All of this is just a submission so it doesn't mean that any of it will make it on the next CD (it's got to sound like Megadeth) but I think it's a good start.

Take care, Chris.