Michael Jackson died today.

Yeah Paul. When I saw the confirmation my first thought was "CONSPIRACY! CONSPIRACY!" Followed immediately by "Where the hell is my King Diamond collection?"
Maybe its the cynic in me, but all the allegations taint any legacy in my eyes. Why exactly did he pay off people for thier silence for if he didn't do anything wrong. Sadly we'll never know the real story.
You know... I'm not doubting the story, but if there was anyone alive who want to escape the public eye, and just hide out for the rest of his life, it would be Michael Jackson. Just saying, it wouldn't surprise me.

Are you saying there is a possibility that Mikes drinking martinis with Elvis right now, laughing at the world?
omg, that's the lamest michael joke i've heard so far haha. there are some really bad ones out there.

Q: What was the last thing Michael Jackson said before dying?

A: Take me to the children's hospital

Q: Why won't Michael Jackson be created?

A: You can't cremate plastic

Q: How did Michael Jackson really die?

A: He was "Beat"ing "It"

Want me to continue????????
Farrah fawcette died today went to heaven and God Said," For being a kind human I will grant you one wish" her reply was to keep the children safe.......God then killed Mike Jackson. :p
actually i first heard about him dieing at work on thursday-incidently the day we all could have been blown up in here. it was a hell of a day thursday. first working in 105 degree heat-WITH the back door open (just where i was) it was 125 degrees on the line (where the food is cooked) our air filtration system for the line wasn't working (it takes the heat from the grils and other stuff on the line & vents it out the top of the building-keeping the back areas a lot cooler) the manager working that day tried his best to get the district guy to send someone to install the new one. this district prick said "it's not a priority" i knw he was a dick before this, just not THAT MUCH of a dick.

i got some good one lier jokes from te cooks about the heat that i liked, the main one being "it's so hot in here, satan's complaining" anoter good one was another one of the cooks "i came to work today a fat man, but i'm leaving as a skinny one"

fast forward an hour or so... micheal jackson's death comes over the TVs we have there for customers (we've got like 3 or 4 of 'em surrounding the bar)

i waslike damn (oh, and technically jackson was hiding out a little bit: why do you think he was living in the middle east for a little while? (Saudi Arabia to be specific) i think it was the fact that no one would know him there & it's customary to cover ones face-mainly for women, but no one questions guys doing it over there i'm told.

maybe 30 min. to an hour later i smell smoke-like somone's cooking out on a charcoal grill-we don't have anything that uses charcoal. so i go on the line to fin out what's going on (i wanted some burgers & dogs if they were p there cookn' BBQ-style, lol) they just look at me like i'm nuts. about 10 or so min. goes by (so it would seem) the charcoal smell turns into a burning sulpher smell-now i KNOW something's up. *back to the line i go again* still being looked at like i'm nuts. our manager that night walks through the prep room & i said "it turned to a sulpher smell now" he's wondering what i'm alking about, i said you can't smell that? he takes a whiff & asks me what's burning, i told him i have no clue, and i even asked the guys o the line & they said nothing was." after going to the line and making them search for what's burning with him. a couple min goes by & one of the guys who both cooks & waits tables comes back & sks what's going on, he's told they can't find what's burning. he says he's going out back for a smoke, he comes back seconds later & says the fire's out there.

all of us run back there like we're running from armegeddon or something. and there it is a fire at least 5 feet tall & wide. (it looked bigger than me in all aspects & i'm around 5 foot 5 or so & about 240 pounds.)

after the fire's out our manager says "good thing those tanks are empty" we had 2 empty tanks of compressed air back there (probably for the fountain pop machine) then i found out what the 3rd tank that's about as tall & twice as round was filled with: nitrogen to fuel the grills. i had always thought that big tank was another tank of compressed air. boy was i surprised. we think it started because someone flicked a ciggerette butt near a delivery we got & the box it was in caught fire. it was a like 5 foot tall green steel shelf inside.... needless to say it's not green anymore. it's white in spots with a majority being BLACK. the bottom corner of 1 side is still a little green.

so, between the heat, finding out about MJ dieing & the freaking fire outside thursday was an eventfull day. at least i got something tell tell the grand kids about when i'm old and senile, lol (if i ever get the opportunity to have kids that is, lol) they'll be like sure grandpa just like you're a war hero & i'll say I AM, they'll say "during WW2?" ahhhh, it'll be fun times.

fun times (plus i enjoy fire, lol)