Milwaukee MetalFest Pictures!


Oct 10, 2001
Good news everyone!

I finally put myself into work with the pictures of the Metalfest trip. There were 32 pictures to resize and optimize so it took me a bit of time in order to keep each picture to less than 20kb´s (from 3,6 Mb it stayed in 600 kb´s)

Since here all of them would make the page unloadable I will post five pics (of the 32). I haven´t updated the page´s too late to start making thumbnails!!!! :p So you´ll have them on the website tomorrow or monday at last!






I hope you enjoyed them :)

oh, and thanx to Olga for sending them to me SO fast :)


fv (good kid :saint: )
Ok, going one step further to my typical working procedures, this time I actually DID what I promised. That means that instead of uploading the whole thing next month, I have already done it!!!!!

So the pictures are already available on the website for all of you to check them!!!

hope you like and, if you want, give some feedback here!


fathervic (i´m impressed!)
lumen said:
I wish I'd gone. :erk:
The pictures are cool though. :)

I also wish I'd gone...but actually there were just two bands I would have really enjoyed with...

as for the pictures...I'm quite sure they were made by Olga, who apart from taking care of the band's management, also seems to take care about the general picture affair :p

fv (this is the 500th post on this forum...wheeeeeeee)
chupi pics!!!!!! some look unbelievably cool,some are okay,one has caused me nausea,yup the pic of the filthy hamburger :yuck:

generally chupi :Spin:

and an applause for our webmaster for being a good fast working kid :p

/trollie trollie

NP: Madder mortem-Rust cleansing
FatherVic said:
another super "no_biased" post, eh??? ;) :p

i am an expert at it,am i not??? :loco:


okey,another senseless post of mine....lalal

/troll (nah,i'm just trying to induce you the positive emotion of pride.....i am not studying all day in vain after all :Smug: )