Mind Of MenStealia

Rogan has a thing about stealing jokes. He called out a guy for stealing jokes on that stand-up comic reality show. I though Buddy Hackett and him were going to throw hands.
A few years ago, on the Howard Stern show. Rogan called out Dennis Leary for stealing jokes. Invited Leary to call in and everything.
that was funnier than any bit Mencia has ever done.
Leary absolutely ripped off Bill Hicks with his "No Cure For Cancer" cd. If you listen to Dangerous and No Cure, it's pretty obvious. Anyways, Mencia is a talentless hack and I can't believe that shit pile of a show is still on.
Joe Rogan is not a comedian, therefore he goes out of his way to say Mencia steals shit, no other comedian will go out of their way to accuse another comedian of stealing shit. Why? Because at one point or another they have picked up a joke or two from someone else. Just like music, you hear the same riffs from 2 different bands ALL THE TIME. Its nothing new and its not a big deal.
Joe Rogan is not a comedian, therefore he goes out of his way to say Mencia steals shit, no other comedian will go out of their way to accuse another comedian of stealing shit. Why? Because at one point or another they have picked up a joke or two from someone else. Just like music, you hear the same riffs from 2 different bands ALL THE TIME. Its nothing new and its not a big deal.

Actually Joe Rogan does do stand-up...I caught his act in Vegas.......It was hilarious....
Really? I must have some collectible Joe Rogan comedy cds and dvds then.
Sorry dude, I dont think he is. He may have started a career doing it, but he is known as the host of the uber serious show...Fear Factor. Im sure if you look at his jokes, I bet on or two of them have been done before, he dont strike me as the innovative type.
Sorry dude, I dont think he is. He may have started a career doing it, but he is known as the host of the uber serious show...Fear Factor. Im sure if you look at his jokes, I bet on or two of them have been done before, he dont strike me as the innovative type.

I understand what you are saying and you are right that it is all but impossible to be "100% original". Pretty much everything that is made and said is just a bastardized version of something else. I'm just saying that Joe is much funnier than Carlos will ever be. Oh, and Joe was on News Radio long before he was on Fear Factor. Now News Radio was a funny show....Fear Factor....not so much:puke:
I understand what you are saying and you are right that it is all but impossible to be "100% original". Pretty much everything that is made and said is just a bastardized version of something else. I'm just saying that Joe is much funnier than Carlos will ever be. Oh, and Joe was on News Radio long before he was on Fear Factor. Now News Radio was a funny show....Fear Factor....not so much:puke:

I dont know, I never heard of the dude before fear factor where he is this serious guy making people do retarded stuff, like eat pigs colon and Elk testicles. Then he was/is a color commentator for the UFC, he didnt strike me as the "Comedian type"
. Like I watch this movie the other night with Robin Willams, What Dreams May Come, and even in a serious role he still interjects just a little of his humor into it. Howie Mandell, he does the same thing with that game show he does with the suitcases, dont remember the name. Steve Martin is another good example.

I just dont see the comedian in him, show like fear factor and UFC hes all serious and tough guy like. Reference me some more of material and I will check it out, Has he done any HBO specials?
I understand what you are saying and you are right that it is all but impossible to be "100% original". Pretty much everything that is made and said is just a bastardized version of something else. I'm just saying that Joe is much funnier than Carlos will ever be. Oh, and Joe was on News Radio long before he was on Fear Factor. Now News Radio was a funny show....Fear Factor....not so much:puke:

Exactly! I read Milton Berle's "Big Book of 10,000 Jokes and Anecdotes" (instead of studying for the big mid-term exams) and concluded that Uncle Milty wrote everything. It just took the DICE to add the words "FUCK" and "SHIT" and "BBBBBITTCH!!!!" to make it original again.
