Mixing and Mastering HELP!


New Metal Member
Aug 29, 2011
Hey guys, I do a lot of recording.. obviously not enough reading on legistics and so on. But before I start doing that I was wondering if there's any tips you all could give me. This is a new mix, my guitar, bass and drum tones sound pretty good on their own. but once I try to mix and master it.. it comes out sounding like this. Muffled and not professional.. any tips?

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Also here's a good example of my guitar and drum tones without mastering.

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the "unmastered" version sounds better, as it's not so clogged up with the low mids and low frequencies. You can even kind of see it by looking at the clips themselves, the "unmastered" one looks a bit cleaner and less cluttered. As far as the top one goes, it's just too cluttered with low end. The bass is entirely too loud, In metal, it should compliment the guitars, not overtake them. you might try turning the bass down, and even scooping out some of the lower ends on it to keep it from muddying up the mix. and the guitars could probably use a little lower frequency scooping as well, in my opinion. Oh, and just because something sounds good on it's own, does not mean it's going to sound good with everything else, The key to making a mix is getting tones that compliment each other, and enhance the mix. you have to kind of look at it from a "big picture" kind of thing, and think objectively. "what guitar tone/bass tone/drum tone is going to help the MIX sound better" not "what's a good tone for this instrument"