Mixing harmonized guitars?


Apr 7, 2010
So how do you guys go about mixing harmonized guitars? I'm trying to do some DYI recording for my band and everything we do is pretty much harmonized. In order for this mix to sound good I've panned the guitars hard left and right but is that the way it should be? I mean everything is harmonized and you can defiantly hear the difference throughout the whole song. Is that normal? Here's what I got so far http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7979368/song%201.mp3 Let me know if there's a better way to mix it other than just hard left and right, it would be greatly appreciated :)
The stereo imaging in your mix is pretty poor to be honest. It sounds extremely closed off and mono-esque compared to the metalcore/melodeath stuff I'm referencing it against..
The whole mix is gonna need a lot of work, not just the guitars.
The stereo imaging in your mix is pretty poor to be honest. It sounds extremely closed off and mono-esque compared to the metalcore/melodeath stuff I'm referencing it against..
The whole mix is gonna need a lot of work, not just the guitars.

It's kinda just a rough mix right now :( what do you mean by sounding closed off? What would you do differently to get a better stereo sound? Just a little nudge in the right direction so I got something to fiddle with for the rest of the night would be sweet :)
Well your overheads sound like they're panned straight down the middle. Every single cymbal hit is dead-center. The whole mix sounds a bit empty, and it sounds like you have some guitars panned down the middle too, or not completely L or R. You said you did, but there's some weird stuff going on if you really did.
i'd say work on getting the drums to sound more realistic. mess with some eq, pan the cymbals to either side, and lengthen the release. i would also say boost the mids a little bit on the guitars to make them sound more full.
Alright thnx for the help guys! i think there's some weird phasing going on with the guitars I'll get it sorted out. THANKS AGAIN!