Most Kickass Riff of all time?

Nov 29, 2001
OK, so what is it, any riff from any song. I'll set the ball rolling with the opening riff from the Soilwork song The Chainheart Machine, there could be a better one I could think of but it doesn't come to mind. Maybe 5 years ago I would be more sure but anyway. Any takers?
the main riff of Millionflame!!! a second would be Death-Symbolic or Story To Tell just my opinion of course:D
The Crown-Death of God (last two minutes)
The Crown-Executioner(Chorus)
The Crown-Blitzkrieh Witchcraft(Opening iff)
Dissection-Thorns of Crimson Death(opening riff, chorus riff)
Dissection-Unhallowed(Chorus riff, every other riff)
Dissection-In the Cold Winds of Nowhere(Opening riff)
At the Gates-Suicide Nation(when he says "Jaws locked around your spine")
Ohh...and i just remebered.The Melvins song "Buck Owens" from Stagg has the most thumping riffs in it.Awsome!
And Cathedral "Ride" from Ethereal Mirror,ENtombed's Clandestine album is full of chunky riffs,And C.O.C.'s Mine Are The Eye's Of God and White Noise...infact all of the Blind Album is full of melting riffs.Fuck man...their are so many killer riffs out there.Wait till you hear Transfears Three Shades In Blood cd if you want some good riffs motherfuckers.Will be out early 2003.
Gershwin's "Summertime" is truly the best song I've heard my entire life!!!!!
I mostly listen to 60's/70's music and it's not really riff-oriented, so it's hard for me to pick a riff as such. Bill Withers' "Ain't no sunshine" comes in right after "Summertime", but it hasn't got a riff as such.
Maybe I should pick some metal instead:
Guns N' Roses "Nightrain" - my favorite "metal" song indeed, but haven't really got a riff as such either!
Burzum "Det som en gang var" - The people who know and like this song probably know what riff I'm talking about.
Opeth "Dirge for November" - The lead guitar riff after the distorted guitars come in.
Opeth "Bleak" - the riff under the "Devious movement in your eyes" part.
Iron Maiden "Rime of the ancient mariner" - the riff after the narration, the "The mariner he wished he died" part and the drum fill.

Oh yeah, there's also a funk riff that I think is among the best shit I've heard; P-Funk All-Stars' "Give up the funk (tear the roof off the sucker) live-version from "Live at the Beverly theater in Hollywood". The riff I'm thinking of is originally from Bootsy's Rubber Band's "Bootzilla" (Bootsy were a part of the P-Funk mob which included a lot of people which is too many to list here (over 70)) and it comes when someone whistles. Probably the best riff I've heard in funk!
I really don't like the Camp Kill Yourself (CKY), but their song '96 Quite Bitter Beings' is a good song and it's riff is great (goes like this: tädädä däää tädädädädädädädä dää dä dää dä dädädä däää ;), go check it out.