Movie recommendations?

Any genre in particular?

Since it's hard to pick from every movie I've ever seen, here is a small list of movies I saw recently which I liked to varying degrees. Some are recent, some not.

Everything Must Go, Ironclad, Das Leben Der Anderen, Your Highness, Let The Right One In, Hanna, Source Code, Submarine and The Conspirator.
Any genre in particular?

Since it's hard to pick from every movie I've ever seen, here is a small list of movies I saw recently which I liked to varying degrees. Some are recent, some not.

Everything Must Go, Ironclad, Das Leben Der Anderen, Your Highness, Let The Right One In, Hanna, Source Code, Submarine and The Conspirator.

Thanks Derek:) I'll be sure to check some of these out!!
I would recommend:
Amores Perros, Goodbye Lenin, El Secreto de sus ojos (great mystery, thriller movie), Barton Fink and El Día de la Bestia.
I'm into psychological thrillers and horror mostly..

Do also enjoy the spoof movies from time to time..

Hmm. Those are two of my favorite genres as well--unfortunately there really haven't been that many that are great that I can remember over the last decade that were not foreign.

Off the top of my head:

1. Thirst
2. I Saw the Devil
3. Martyrs
4. Trick r Treat (awesome 80's anthology type ala Creepshow but better)
5. Behind the Mask
6. Tucker and Dale vs Evil
7. Buried
8. Hard Candy
9. Mersine: Killer Instinct/Public Enemy
10. Oldboy
11. The Children

Source Code was already listed, but it was pretty good, and then there's also Limitless, which I kind of consider more of an adventure/drama but I guess it has it's "thriller" moments too.
The American remake was surprisingly decent. It tries to do its own thing.

It was close enough to the original for those lazy fucks who can't stand to read subtitles at all, but with just enough variation so that it didn't feel like an exact carbon copy. Although it was definitely a lot closer to the original than say The Departed was to Infernal Affairs.
It was close enough to the original for those lazy fucks who can't stand to read subtitles at all, but with just enough variation so that it didn't feel like an exact carbon copy. Although it was definitely a lot closer to the original than say The Departed was to Infernal Affairs.

Visually, sure, but the subtext is way different and I think that gives it enough ground to stand on in not just being used to replace the original. But then again I doubt people who would ignore the original would care about that anyway, so the point is moot. I don't recommend seeing it before the original, but by being viewed in correlation with the other there is much potential for analysis of its own philosophical merits.