Moving Into My Apartment Friday

How about I show up, don't bring anything, drink /eat whatever everyone else brought, and then go home? That works much better for me.

Don't leave the lunchables in the microwaves!

Yes, I am the beer monster that lurks in the darkest corners of Doty's basement!

Nah but uh.. furrlz I can't chill Friday. I have to close that night, and then open Saturday morning. But I am cool for Saturday night if anything is going on. I am debating the possibility of checking out a show in West Chester (Circadian Ryan's new band is playing and I wanna start shit with the chongos) but that's really all that's going on. I'll prob have to work Sunday this week too, since I think it's been like a month since I worked one.

But seriously dude, Spring City is so close to me it's not funny. I propose we all make a trip to pumptown one of these days and have ourselves a nice laugh. Bear if you're not familiar yet - pumptown is Spring City's "strip club" although I wouldn't call it that. I'm not even sure if "strip" is the word I'm looking for - it may just be a topless bar - but at any rate I'm sure the chicks that work there are even more hideous than the dudes that hang out there. And you all know how I like to surround myself with people who are uglier than me, as to boost my self esteem. Which is why I hang out with you assholes all the time. :)
Sounds good to me man. It's going to be nice not having to crash at Doty's anymore. Also, I can take women home unlike the rest of you pathetic saps.