Multiband Distortion/Fuzz


May 30, 2008
i'm looking to get a multiband dist/fuzz. can anybody recommend a good one?
Erm... the video linked is for an overglorified dirt box with EQ and there's no good excuse for needing a self-contained multiband fuzz plugin.

Split the signal into a few pieces with an EQ and run a clipper over each of them. If it takes you more than an hour to figure out how to pull this off it's time to reread the part of your DAW manual about sends and/or go beat yourself to death with the inside of your kneecap.

Hell, I'm not even going to wait for a HALP I IZ ONLY A GUIATRIST: to get four bands, split the signal into highpassed and lowpassed portions... send the audio to two tracks, one with a highpass filter (we'll call it H1) and the other with a lowpass filter (we'll call it L1) with the same parameters except for the filter type. Then, enable the Master Send or Parent Send on both of those tracks and then send them to another pair (we'll call them HA and LA, so neither of them feel inferior); highpass HA and LA and lowpass H1 and L1, and you have four bands - you've just cut the signal into four chunks. Now clip them as necessary and combine in a food processor. Or maybe a compressor to even them out. Perhaps a milder clipper. I don't know, just beat the fuck out of them.
