Musical Lyrics Story Thread


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
(taken from another site, but I thought it'd be fun)

Rules are: Everything that you write must be from some well known songs... any songs, any genre. You must connect with the previous post and pick up the story with another line or song title... but it can't be the same song.
First post: "When the sun is so hot and melts the tar up on the roof."
Next post: "I wish it would rain."
Next post "Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain."

I shall start :)

"From the coast of gold across the seven seas"

Iron Maiden - Wasted Years
Originally posted by mr. tokmak
I don't exactly remember the lyrics
Misinterin nami naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Misinterin nami naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Come na yakanamu
Yekeke come on yekeke
Yekeke come on yekeke

mory kanteeee (or smt like that):lol: :lol:
And here's the big song.

Cos you know I'm bad,I'm bad
Cos you know

Cos you know I'm bad,I'm bad


I think we'll be kicked out of UM if we go on..:D
But michael jackson doesn't sing diuv diuv div..It's the music..
So I don't count it..Give me smthing in the lyrics like yake yeke moo yake yake (or as you say yekeke came on yekeke :lol: )
Originally posted by Eclipse
YEAH !! And UMUT too, cause he's of the same kind.

Don't you know I can't take it
I don't know who can
I'm not gonna make it
I'm not that kind of man

Don't you know I can't sleep at night but just the same, yeah
I never weep at night, I call your name
I never weep at night, I call your name

The Mamas The Papas / "I call your name"
Originally posted by BARBARIAN


I think we'll be kicked out of UM if we go on..:D
But michael jackson doesn't sing diuv diuv div..It's the music..
So I don't count it..Give me smthing in the lyrics like yake yeke moo yake yake (or as you say yekeke came on yekeke :lol: )

The board will have no excitement without us.

Those diuv diuv parts are the melody parts of the song.