My Compliments to Per

Apr 21, 2005
I know it is a while after Watershed came out, but I feel compelled to congradulate Per on an outstanding job on the album. His solo on Burden is one of my favorite keys solos of all time. I was skeptical of a full-time keyboard member before Ghost Reveries, but soon after, I saw I was being retarded. Per is a great addition to the band.
+1 to everything everyone said.

But I think you also have to throw Mikael some kudos for knowing whose services to enlist.
funny how watershed is so awesome instrumentally. I'd like to say that I like the bass and the keys the most, but seriously the guitars and the drums are really good as well so cant really say anything is better than the other
After Lamentations I was very sceptical when Opeth announced that Per is a member now. I mean how many of you thinked Per should be a full time member after seeing that dvd? Not that he played bad or anything, it just seemed that the "I only move my fingers and lips" guy on the dark background didn't fit in at all.

Now it's humiliating to see how awfully wrong I was about him.