My Day 2 Impressions...*cheers for Glenn*


Jun 24, 2002
Marietta, GA
Well, you can read my day 1 impressions here...

Day 2:

I arrived about 5:15 again, and checked the vendors to see what was new, different, etc. Managed to catch a seat right after Pagan's Mind started....damn near blew my eardrums when I opened the door to the inside part...they were so loud...:)

Pagan's Mind: A GREAT opener, they really had the place going, and their setlist was strong. Didn't know anything by them going into it, but I will definatly look into picking up their CD's...

After they played, and I was walking around, I was hearing lots of people telling how good of an opener they were...

Great job for them!

Secret Sphere: I was really looking forward to this band, even though I only had their latest release. I know lots don't like that new album, but it grew on me and I really love it now...the tempo changes, the melodies, etc.

Their concert did not disappoint, played a good variety of their material. And the performance was top notch. The only problem I saw was that the guitars weren't loud enough. The lead player would be soloing and unless you were watching, you couldn't tell just by listening. Still, I really enjoyed Secret Sphere. I think some people just didn't give them the chance they deserved... Definatly a top class act...hope to see them again in states...

CircleIICircle: Oh yes, the band I was looking forward to the most, probably delievered the best performance of the show. They played about 3/4 of their album...which was 100 times better live. I always thought the album lacked that *punch* sound, but they delivered it completely live. Zach's voice is amazing too, top job by him.

They did intermix some Savatage songs, which got the place going CRAZY.

First one they did was "Labyrinths" - Amazing job. Great tribute to Criss, per se. *How Matt LaPorte held his hand up when soloing, pointing to the sky...those of us who know Savatage history would know why*

They then led it into "Follow Me". Another great performance, if you had just closed your eyes, you could just imagine it was Savatage... Simply literally gave me chills...

Another one they did was "Turns to Me"...again, a great performance.

They also did "Taunting Cobra's", got the crowd really excited and pumped up...

Then, the highlight of ProgPower emerged near the end of the set. Zach points to the side and says "Now it's your turn"

And out walks Jon Oliva! :tickled: He goes to the keyboard, yells in the mike, and proceeds to start with "Edge of Thorns"

He then leads it into "Gutter Ballet", with both him and Zach singing, and that concluded the performance.

It was simply incredible, their set... The place was just going crazy...

If this is any notice to Glenn, I know he loves Savatage, I think the crowd would go crazy if Savatage was on the ProgPower roster...*hint hint* :)

This takes my award for best performance of the show. *Edguy won it for me last year too, so it's surprising that two of the non-headliners took it*. Nightwish probably would have taken 2nd, with Rage 3rd this year.


Evergrey: No offense to Glenn, but I found this more on the boring side. I didn't know much of their stuff, but the set list didn't impress me. Their heavy songs seemed to border on the same side, as nothing varied enough. Also, I don't see what the huge ordeal over his voice is, it was a decent voice, but nothing to go with the hype I'd been hearing about.

Still, it was an ok band and set for me, just didn't sit well. But I think part of the reason is they played after CircleIICircle as well....Still enjoyable...

Rage: Ah, the final band of the night. Tough task to close after 9 bands, but Rage did the job great. Their first two songs didn't do anything for me, almost thought about leaving. It seemed like the guitarist was trying to do TOO much on the guitar, and it was sounding discombobalated....

Then they led into "Down", and this really got me back into the show.

Another one I loved was "Set this world on fire". I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOo glad I picked up the album "Unity" during ProgPower. This song was just simply that type of anthem, heavy metal theme you want to see played. "Raise your hands, it's time to burn you'll set this world on fire!" Damn, its still going through my head...

They did some other stuff on Unity, did a new track from their new album, and some old stuff as well.

The guitar solo was simply amazing, I almost want to think he was better then Romeo on guitar...

The drum solo went a little long, but I still found it funny "Welcome to my Jungle!" :Spin:

Still, a great job by Rage, and I'm definatly going to check more into them...their collection was too extensive for me to really check into them before. Also, lots of people left during their set...a shame. During Rage's encore, place was probably only 1/4th full. Probably due to it being so late...*Rage got started 20 minutes late*

Now I have Unity, plan on more...*listens to it*

Oh yes, if there's one thing I did not like, it was the guy in the red bandana on the floor during Rage. It's fine if you are all into the music, but don't try starting a mosh pit when that's not why most people goto ProgPower. I just don't think it was the right setting for it, and I know *I was sitting in seat*, that by watching people on the floor, others weren't enjoying it as well. Sure there was that group, but think of all the rest around you. You aren't the ONLY people there...

He also proceeded to flick off the crowd numerous times, face the crowd and rub his crotch, and make obsene gestures and taunts...

I really wish security would have stopped him, but what can you do... :Smug: I was hoping someone would just punch his ass down, but no one did... :yell: Oh well...

Anyways, it was a great expereince, and I'm really glad I came. I want to thank Glenn, and Deron too, for all their hard work concerning it, and I can't wait for next year's festival.

Everything seemed to run smoother this year, and EarthLink remains to be the perfect venue for this event...

Great job guys!

I'll see you next year!
My day 2 impressions:

Pagan's Mind opened and they were great! I was realy impresses with these guys and definitely plan to get both of their cds in the very near future.

Secret Sphere followed. I realy wanted to like these guys, but overall I was disappointed in their set. i don't think they matched up as well as the other bands there.

Circle II Circle was great!!! I really enjoyed their set from beginning to end. Their sound was excellent and the set list was perfect. It was cool when Jon Oliva came out.

Evergreay was next. I was really looking forward to seeing these guys. I was slightly disappointed with their set, but overalll, I thought they did a good job.

Rage closed the show and these guys are just crazy! An intense set list, to say the list. Their really not my "style" of music, but I did enjoy their set quite a bit.

I can't wait 'til Prog Power V!!!
My Day 2 take
Pagan's Mind
Good way to start the day, they were solid.
Secret Sphere
I skipped them
Circle II Circle
One of the best shows of the festival. Zack sounded great and the Savatage songs made it better.
Glenn-Jon said he wanted to bring Savatage up next year!
Good band, very sold performance.
WOW! Heavy and powerful, they made the festival.
Pagan's Mind - I really enjoyed this band! I hadn't heard anything by them up to that point, but I walked away with the latest CD. The vocalist is great, wow that guy can sing!

Secret Sphere - This was one of the bands I was looking forward to seeing the most, but for reasons unknown to me, I got confused on the time they were playing. I could have swore CircleIICirlce was playing 2nd, not Secret Sphere. I didn't know C2C at all so I thought I'd grab a bite to eat since wild horses weren't going to get me to miss the other three bands of the night. Well, I walk into the performace area when I think SS is going to start playing, but the curtain opened and there was no mistaking that I missed Secret Sphere. Yeah, I was pissed.

CircleIICircle - I walked out right away when I realized I was a dumbass and missed one of the bands I came to see. I had some friends in The Vinyl that were waiting to meet Vanden Plas, so I stuck around for that. Vanden Plas was one of my favorite acts at the show, so I decided to forfeit seeing a band that I knew nothing about.

Evergrey - I remember seeing these guys all weekend at last year's ProgPower and finding out who they were AFTER the festival! I heard them played during intermission and really liked them. I was looking forward to seeing them live after what I had heard the year before! They didn't disappoint for me! I really can't say more about it - they were great :)

Rage - Now, I honestly had never heard of this band before they put on the bill for PPIV, but I started getting into them after I checked them out pre-show. I enjoyed their set a whole lot, but I really couldn't fully enjoy it because I was too busy making sure I wasn't going to get bashed in the cranium from some jerk who thinks everyone wants to be jumped on. I don't know, I really think ProgPower isn't the place for moshing, which you can tell by the fact that a mere handful of people were participating. Where the hell was security when Bandana Man shoved his middle finger in my face and pissed off nearly everyone on the floor? (They were too busy making sure you didn't stand in the doorways) I really wished someone would have laid him out too, but the majority of people (obviously not all) are still considerate of others, even in that situation. I think the reason a lot of people left is because they didn't want to deal with the 7 sweaty drunk dudes that took up half the floor at 12:30am.. I eventually got fed up and sat in the seats, but it was a real fuckin' bummer that I couldn't fully enjoy the set from up close for no other reason than people getting carried away.

Here is my review of the highlights of the second night...

PAGAN'S MIND - this is the reason I came from NY to PP IV. This was the best performance of the weekend. This is the reason I am a fan of this music. Those of you who enjoyed their set as it was should know that they didn't even play many of their great songs! This was the best band on day 2, albeit not by a landslide. Just amazing performers AND people (those of you who hung out with them know what I am talking about - very personable guys!)

CIRCLE II CIRCLE - Again, these guys were just amazing - dead on performances, and the aforementioned Jon Oliva guest app just put it over the top. A close second to PAGAN's MIND for best of show...

RAGE - holy shit, this was by FAR the surprise of the fest. I really am ashamed (as many of us probably are now) that I have not bought any of their stuff to this point. That is going to change immediately! They killed the place with their incredibly powerful performances!! That drummer, Mr. Terrana, is an absolute MACHINE!! Goddamn, he was just on fire! And Victor just smoked my brain with his incredible riffing and just positively grinding guitar tone! What a band.... I hope people start giving them their due. I know I will!

Great job Glenn! I was happy to meet you and glad we could party with you in our room. It was a blast and will certainly be there next year!

Hail true metal!