my ghetto apartment


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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So the thing is, I have a really nice apartment in downtown Belgrade lined up for September, but the lease, or whatever, on my old apartment ran out at the end of June so I had to find temporary residence. Figuring I need to buy an amp real bad I decided to go low budget and got this totally ghetto place in a totaly ghetto part of Belgrade, put it's cool because I feel like a thug now.

Someone asks me where I live and they think I'm hard and street immediately.

So it's this really small dingy room in the yard of some housing complex, built into a building afterwards. It smells like 7 retirees lived in it together before I moved in and the electric work is all shotty and I'm afraid to plug my hair dryer in.

Also my neighbor is an unemployed Albanian man who picks through garbage cans around the hood all day and right around the corner there are like 5 wooden shacks where gypsies live.

Right now its exciting and novel, but I'm not sure how long this will last. Maybe until I get mugged or something, which would do nothing but enhance my street cred anyway.
I'd make sure nothing but grind would heard in your apartment though. If somebody heard the Postal Service, Bright Eyes or Interpol your street cred would be totally shot....
Azal, welcome to the 'hood. I've been kicking it in the bricks of 'Cuse since I moved up here (Its the ghetto over by the hospital named because its all housing projects made entirely of brick, crooked deal between the mason and a former mayor). I have a 2 room apartment, no AC, shoddy wiring and one light. My showerhead falls off every other day because the water pressure is unregulatable, its either knocking you over or off. My car radio got jacked after the guy popped the lock, I thought I was alone until I realized, he stole every radio in the lot in the same night (12 cars). Treated my parking lot like it was a salvage yard. On the corner, there is a shop just called Harlem World. On the plus side, I no longer have anything worth stealing while at the same time, I'm eating mustard sandwiches.
Not with the 4 locks I have on my door. Thats really just the product of me eating all the good food I had the first month I lived here and not having a paying job. I do research at university hospital for free.
I think I use the hair dryer more because I like the way it feels than because I really need to.

I think the smell of old people is the worst part about the apartment though guys.

Hopefully I'll be able to cover it with ciggarete smoke in a couple weeks time.