My new audio tech blog


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA

One of the many ways I could say thanks from the numerous heaps of information packed in this forum, I deceived to start writing an informational blog dispelling myths and going over many of the tech based stuff people ask on a regular basis.

The first post was based off of Corvus Audio and a manufacturing decision that I made, it is psychological discussion of how the other senses interfere with how you perceive sound and how I got a wild idea when making stompboxes.

In the next coming weeks I will be doing video reviews, vlogs, among other things, possibly an in depth mixing tutorial and other music production philosophies.

It will be a place where I put out all my ideas and tech what I know, things that I don't make a thread about because I feel the topics may to too trivial to spam new threads for.

I am open to sugesstions of blog topics and I will take questions that I can answer for future blogs or even videos. PM me or throw me an email.

Already set for demos, reviews and general tech talk:

Avatar G412 Cabinet
Agile Interceptor Series
Peavey 5150 MK I
LTD line guitars
PRS Mike Mushok Baritone Guitar
Corvus Audio Loadbox
Corvus Audio DI+

Just the gear I have handy at the moment. If anyone in the Sacramento or NorCal area wants to loan some gear for reviews and get a free plug of choice, name, band, music, etc. again pm or email me.
Another one is now up

Active vs Passive

Tomorrow I will be post a part two detailing the benefits of transformerless active DI and Reamp devices and transformerless unbalanced to balanced and balanced to unbalanced converters. I will post it here when it is up.
Interesting ;)

Cant wait to see (and hopefully hear comparisons) of that DI+reamp device
Interesting ;)

Cant wait to see (and hopefully hear comparisons) of that DI+reamp device

I would really like to get sine, triangle and square wave sweeps by those who have other DI boxes. I can do a comparison between straight to the guitar and the DI/Reamp combo. Frequency analysis between different devices would still be nice.
Thanks man. I enjoy writing them even though it is hard coming up with ideas that aren't already beaten to the ground. I guess I will go over other things as well, like how overdrive pedals work and their uses and what not.

I am always looking for suggestions as to what to write about, what to explain to help out the community.