My new website is up.


Bad / Nationwide
Dec 12, 2005
I just thought I would share my new website with you guys.
For anyone interested in a guitar - you'll have a little more info easily available.

It's a work in progress, as I'm planning to add a lot more information as I have time to work on it - which isn't very often!
I'm a total noob at web design, so let me know if you think there is anything too horrible about the site!
looks good, one thing you should look in to fixing is the title for the pages. They are all "new page 1"

If you don't know how to do this, you simply code each page with the <title> and </title>

Your's is <title>New Page 1</title>

change that for each page. ex. <title>Stinnett Guitars Home Page</title> etc. etc.
looks good, one thing you should look in to fixing is the title for the pages. They are all "new page 1"

If you don't know how to do this, you simply code each page with the <title> and </title>

Your's is <title>New Page 1</title>

change that for each page. ex. <title>Stinnett Guitars Home Page</title> etc. etc.

Yeah, I noticed that earlier and I was wondering how to fix it. Thanks.
hey will, we'd be happy to post a quote/testimonial for your site if you want. you were extremely professional from start to finish and we're extremely proud to own #001, and we'd gladly tell anyone that!
God damn.Thats some good looking guitars you make there man.Judging from the picks, the quality for the price is quite good.And the headstock rules as well:kickass:
Web site looks pretty nice.But you may want to specify some stuff.Like maple top,is it quilt,flame,same price for both?Do you offer some transparent colour with that or is it only natural oiled?You know.Small details.

Man you set me on fire here.Tell me you ship to the UK and i ll get some serius G.A.S:lol:

Damn that headstock is nice:headbang:
I don't. I have a modest workshop, a love of the instrument, and one pair of hands that handle every aspect of Stinnett Guitars.

Is it love of the instrument or love for the instrument?



The only thing I'd add is that I reckon any pics of a finished guitar should be of the same quality as that one MarkG just posted. The smaller pics on the 'Guitars' page are a bit more highly compressed and look a bit messy (just for reference that bigger picture is compressed to a good level for web). With regards to the actual photos: I'd advise to set up a bit of a makeshift studio to shoot the photos in when they're complete. If you don't wanna spend much money this could be done with stuff like lamps and a clean sheet. Basically you wanna avoid shooting with a direct flash for "product" type shots.

Other than that I think the guitars speak for themselves which is a good thing!
The only thing I'd add is that I reckon any pics of a finished guitar should be of the same quality as that one MarkG just posted. The smaller pics on the 'Guitars' page are a bit more highly compressed and look a bit messy (just for reference that bigger picture is compressed to a good level for web). With regards to the actual photos: I'd advise to set up a bit of a makeshift studio to shoot the photos in when they're complete. If you don't wanna spend much money this could be done with stuff like lamps and a clean sheet. Basically you wanna avoid shooting with a direct flash for "product" type shots.

Other than that I think the guitars speak for themselves which is a good thing!

Thanks. The photography is just something I never thought much about before. I plan to take it a lot more seriously in the future, and hopefully I can replace a lot of those shots with some nice ones.

your site, and also your guitars are looking very nice.
i like very much your foreword on the starting page!!!!!
thats a great word.

about the site,
you are right, a few better quality photos would be killer

and there is one, tiny tiny thing that i find not so good, the text links are in blue color..
