Nation Beyond and more now in stock!


Man Behind The Curtain
Dec 26, 2002
Just got a great shipment in from Burning Star Records:

Nation Beyond - The Aftermath Odyssey (album of the year candidate) :worship:
Urban Tales - Diary Of A No (excellent progressive dark metal for fans of Anathema and Pain Of Salvation)
Mike Dimareli Artical - Horizon (well executed neoclassical)
Persefone - Core (strange Intromental band mixes progressive and black metal elements)
Very cool...I specifically logged on to ask about the update on Nation Beyond...

(Only a few clicks away from an order...)

Thanks, Ken!

Rock on!
PERSEFONE!! Gah! I love that band! I heard their clip on the Intromental site and nearly fell out of my chair!
Well, looks like I'll be making yet another purchase from you :lol:
Just got a great shipment in from Burning Star Records:

Nation Beyond - The Aftermath Odyssey (album of the year candidate) :worship:
Urban Tales - Diary Of A No (excellent progressive dark metal for fans of Anathema and Pain Of Salvation)
Mike Dimareli Artical - Horizon (well executed neoclassical)
Persefone - Core (strange Intromental band mixes progressive and black metal elements)

IS the Nation Beyond really that good???? Cause if it is then i better get it ordered today.
After reading several reviews and listening to them on myspace, I went ahead and ordered it. Its almost Xmas time, gotta treat myself to one present :D
Nation Beyond, interesting...I like what I hear on their myspace, and the concept & artwork seems promising. It's rare that I buy an album nowadays without hearing the entire thing prior, but this will fall into that category. Dammit Ken, don't make a fool outta me! :heh: :)
Got the Nation Beyond CD for Christmas....meh. It's not bad, but it's all kinda slow, plodding atmospheric stuff. it doesn't pick up very much. I was disappointed. Not a lot of guitar riffs - only a bunch of open chords with keys and it kinda all just ran together I thought. The packaging is spectacular, though, and the production is good.