Need Brutal Critiques please.


New Metal Member
Jun 24, 2008
When searching for opinions I figured what better people to do it then Nevermore fans. I have seen Nevermore countless times and Always Appreciate there Opinions. So brothers and sisters please give this a listen and let us know your true feelings! We are Allegaeon from Colorado. :kickass:

Just click this link to listen

and here is a photo of me and the guitarist from a show they did in Colorado Springs, Im on the far Left.. was fukkin awsome!


You want brutal critiquing, you've come to the right place.

Your music is bland, soulless, uninspired, unoriginal, and all around boring. But it's not bad to listen to at all. Hope that makes sense.
hell yes thats what I am talking about, I knew I would find honest people somewhere, Keep it coming! helps for the future writing.:kickass:

We'll start with the vocals: I actually like these a lot. Remind me of The Gallery era Mikael Stanne. I dig it.

Now, for the music itself. It gets lost on me at moments. The little widdly waddly sweeps just seem randomly placed, and possibly hurting the main structure of the song itself. Many bands have this problem, Into Eternity, for example, have an awful habit of just throwing in shit "because they can". It kinda had that feeling to me. So working the widdly waddly shit more into the structure of the song would definitely give this a higher rating in my book.

And nude pics of yourself. Definitely need some nudes.
I thought it was going to be shit.

I was pleasantly surprised. EricT stated something about the sweeps, and even though I LOVE sweeping I couldn't see the purpose in the first ten seconds of that Weeds song.
I like the music, I HATE the vocals! I'd love to hear some of your stuff with a clean singing style over it.
The crazy blast part with the vocals towards the beginning of cower before me dont' make me happy at all. nice chorus to that song though.

Overall, 7/10. Not too shabby.
-Jeff Loomis isn't that good, cut down on his influence a bit
-the riffs during the sung parts are fantastic, there's an enthusiasm there, keep that up as much as possible (it seems to vanish during the instrumental parts)
-add a new vocal melody somewhere, that one during the breakdown falls flat
The weeds song is reminding me a lot of Darkane's Innocence Gone, not sure if its an influence or not though. Sounded cool though. Some of the instrumental stuff sounded too plastic and forced is my only complaint.