Need your help finding a song

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Was on my way home and listening to Triple J about 15 minutes ago when a couple of absolutely killer songs came on. The first was this (just cos I think it's awesome, if you're interested):

The second I think was a Sepultura song, but I didn't catch the song or album name. The lyrics were something like "Black out the sun" and "Feels like everyone's eyes on me. Feels like everyone's eyes on you." I can't find it on Google and short of listening to every song from 12 albums on YouTube, I don't know how to find it. It might not even be Sepultura, but it was pretty heavy.

Wish I had Shazam :/

edit: if it helps, the mix was pretty good. Really natural drums. Car stereo is pretty shit and the antenna keeps fucking up so I can't comment more.