Nevermore - 2.3.2006 Budapest - Metalmania II fest

thank you for the info, really useful to know how much time I have left to buy the tickets from here. time to realize I won't make it. :Smug: *sigh*
Tee said:
thank you for the info, really useful to know how much time I have left to buy the tickets from here. time to realize I won't make it. :Smug: *sigh*
You can come to this years Metal Camp in Slovenia, they'll be there. :Spin:
The last chances for international tickets are now. Make your order now and I'll mail the tickets on tomorrow = the tickets arrive to you by next tuesday latest.
And for those Hungarians who want to buy CD's but don't like postage costs, you can pick your order from me either on Wed or early Thu (Hotel Liget).
And the last message for the media, there will be 'pre-listening' session for the new Saturnus album, and there might be some surprise people too.

Metalmania ticket Euro 27.00
Official Metalmania Site