Nevermore vs dungeon

Note that it doesn't say "100% Trying to rip off American Power Metal or European Power Metal"

"100% Aussie Power Metal" means it is none of the above & hence should not be judged the same.


Nevermore !:worship:
This thread is funny.
I guess I must have missed the meeting when it was decreed that liking more than one band was wrong. Let's not compare Apples with slightly different apples. It's all metal, it's all good.
Oh Dear....

well, Gotta say, I kneel to nevermore.

Dead heart has some of the best solo's I have EVER heard - we are so far different it's funny.
Comparing the two can't be done.

Hopefully the two bands can play together again one day - :)

hey Lord Tim, don't forget what I once told you on the Sinergy board, you could be in Aukland, gazing toward Australia and muttering, "some day, some day..."
but everything I've ever read backs up what you say, hopefully with hard work and perserverance you guys will get the acclaim you deserve.

and in your honor, I am now playing Radio Birdman - Radios Appear
Lord Tim said:
Yeah, you're right... *anything* is better than being in New Zealand...! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

*runs like mad from very angry Kiwis carrying sticks* :D

WOW! New Zealanders know how to wield sticks?!
If there's anything better than metal it's paying out Kiwi's!
The Pimp NeonBlack
Have you seen "Once Were Warriors" Pimp? :eek:

Yes, some New Zealanders most certainly know how to wield stick! :lol:

:OMG: :worship: Respect!
Went to school with a fellow who was Maori, originally from New Zealand. Tough fellow. And just like Once Were Warriors, definitely knew how to wield a stick.