New Living Colour


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Well it took ten years, but finally the mighty Living Colour have a new album out. I was rapt when I heard a while back that they'd started playing together again, and am even more rapt now that they have an album and are on the road.

I dunno how many LC fans there are on the board (TinMan, Troops, ???), but anyway, some partial fans might not have been aware the band were back.

The album, Collideoscope is not overly similar to any of the albums, but is closest to Stain, which isn't really surprising. It's not as good as the likes of Vivid or Time's Up, but then that's not surprising either. There are some really good songs on the album, and Corey Glover still has just about the best voice in rock!

'king oath Blitzy, buy an album or two! Vivid or Time's Up would be a great place to start. :) They're not too expensive these days either.

Vernon rules! Any band with people like him, Corey, Doug Wimbish and Will Calhoun has gotta be bloody good! :headbang:
Yep, available at all good record stores, and even a few crap ones. :)

I've always wondered, why do they spell "colour" in the British, rather than American way? Are they named after something?
The spelt it 'colour' just because they thought it would look odd, they didn't actually know that pretty much the rest of the world spelt it that way ;)

And holy shit, Winmar, I think this thread just made my year. I was just thinking about them the other day and how cool it would be if they got back together, I had no idea. Damn now I really need to get to a record store......
Yeah it is rather good news, eh groom?! I kept crapping on a couple of years ago how much I missed LC, and how there was nobody else like them. Now they're back, and all's well again. :)

Shit, they really didn't know that 'colour' was the British spelling?!
Sure is. :) Where else do you know him from, Todd?

You live in Frankston, TinMan? Might have to make a trip to the city at some stage....

Get it, PIV!
Yeah it does take a bit to get into. 'tis a nice AC/DC cover. :) The vocals on the first song are fucking great. Flying's a top song too.

What does Will do on the video, Todd? Does he play some kind of solo thing?