New Megadeth

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002
Good stuff...really good. Need to let it sink in some more but I dare say this is the best release since Youthanasia, and I loved Cryptic Writings.

It's got some different elements to it and although it's a mature effort, it's balls-out Bay Area thrash. There are only two or three songs on it that I could take or leave, but by no means are they bad.

The riffs are great and this is definitely a solo guitarist's album. The best stuff on this album (and I know this has been thrown around a lot) really does sound like a cross between Peace Sells and Rust in Peace.

Some of the lyrics are a little strange, but they've always had strange and self-absorbed lyrics.

Trying to be as objective as possible even though I'm a huge's a great album. Fucking Broderick adds a whole new dimension to Megadeth. I really like Marty Friedman and his work, but I really think Broderick has outdone him in places.
In my opinion, you can't really replace Friedman with Broderick; they have two completely different styles. I'm not saying Broderick doesn't fit into Megadeth, though. He's an excellent player and a really fucking nice guy but I grew up with Friedman-based Megadeth. I used to be so influenced by Friedman that I purchased his autographed signature Jackson back in 1999.

Regardless, from what I've heard of the new Megadeth with Chris, it's good fucking shit, way better than United Abominations. Either way, I'll most likely enjoy the new album especially since some people are considering the awesomeness of it with Rust in Peace. Well, as long as there isn't a song on the album re-recorded and ruined *cough* A Tout Le Monde with Cristina Scabbia *cough*.
I can tell you that it's much better than UA. There are going to be things on this album that people both love and hate, but I think if people look at it as a Megadeth release and not a Morbid Angel/Behemoth/Opeth-type release, they'll enjoy it. It's metal by Megadeth; if you don't like Megadeth then you probably won't like this album. If you do, however, I think you'll definitely dig it.

They're pretty much classic metal by now, so if you still like that sort of thing like I do and don't expect bajillion mile per hour blastbeats, screams, or operatic vocals (you'd be surprised at the expectations people have these days), you won't be disappointed.
I just can't get over Mustaine's ego anymore. It fucking bleeds through everything he does now. Even the way the record starts with all the crazy solos screams "HERE I AM PAY ATTENTION TO ME I'M HEAVY AGAIN!!!" and the pictures of him in the layout (all promotional pictures of him, really), and that song where he tries to sing all emotionally (fucking laughed so hard the first time I heard that one). Coupled with all the over the top, self absorbed interviews he's done recently it just turns into a big ol' packaged bundle of Mustaine trying convince everyone that he's totally awesome and important.

The only time I expect to ever hear anything from this album again is when we play the focus tracks on my radio show... and I'll probably even turn the volume down then, too. Personally, I think Broderick's skill and talent could be utilized better in other arenas.
I wouldn't really say it's that clear cut. I never gave a shit about him personally before, but I was able to enjoy his music. But after hearing him whine so much over the past couple years about such stupid shit, well at the same time implying that he's god's gift to metal makes it impossible for me to hear this new album without instantly thinking about how pretentious the guy is.

It's like he's trying to say "I'm better than everyone else" without actually saying it. At least if he actually did say that, I could like him for having the balls to actually say that and mean it haha.
It's no secret that Mustaine has an ego and he has seemed to always have one that eventually progressed to what it is now. After he was kicked out of Metallica, his goal was always to become a better band than Metallica both musically and in popularity. He definitely achieved that in the aspect of music/songwriting but I'm not too sure about popularity. Though, it seems like followers of both Metallica and Megadeth have definitely taken the Megadeth side. When Megadeth reached a low point (Risk), they came back with a vengence and seem to be still progressing toward. Between that and his status of 'Born-Again Christian', the major ego-boost may eventually cause the band to shortly break up.

I only talked to Broderick briefly but he doesn't seem like the type of person that will withstand ego-based picky bullshit. I feel this is the reason why Dave is the only original member left in the band.

Does the album have a lot of political-based lyrics? Dave has always seemed to have songs about political dilemmas but it has progressed to albums dedicated to political issues and war. It's O.K. once in a while but on a constant basis it's a hard pill to swallow. I may just have to edit each song and mute out the vocals.

Shit. Two days without caffeine and then caffeine really makes me babble more than usual.
There are a couple of gov't tirades but for the most part it's societal.

I'd say that Dave's ego is dwarfed, so to speak, by Kerry King's though. At least Dave really is a good guitarist.

This Day We Fight! is reminiscent of Take No far my favorite of the album.
How many times have I heard Dave Mustaine talk about how great he is? Countless. I've even heard it first hand from interviewing him myself.

How many times have I heard Kerry King talk about how great he is? Zero.

How many times have I heard Dave Mustaine piss and moan about things from his past that he still lets affect him today? More than a few, and it's well documented.

How many times have I heard Kerry King piss and moan about things from his past that he still lets affect him today? Zero.

I don't really think that's a good analogy. Dave's a fucking selfish whiner and that's a fact. No one else's ego will ever overshadow that.
Let me try to say something about just the music and this new record though....

It's definitely a good album and one of the better of the newer crop of Megadeth releases. However, it's nothing fresh and new and interesting. It's just more of the same 'deth I'm used to except it has even more solos and mediocre drumming. I'd rather put on Rust in Peace because not only is all the music fantastic, it's very nostalgic to me too... something new Megadeth will never ever be. My ears prefer older Megadeth or newer bands with a fresh take on heavy music.
I'm not disputing that he talks too much about Metallica...although I'm sure the media tends to set him up for those types of things. They ask him for his opinion and he gives it and then everyone slams him for how he feels about it. He doesn't go around to his fans and start up a conversation about Metallica; he's asked these questions and when he answers honestly, people give him shit. It's like being asked what your favorite pizza is and then people give you shit because you like Hawaiian or something.

Well, to be honest, Dave Mustaine IS a great guitarist. He IS a a great songwriter and a great businessman. I don't understand how acknowledging that you're good at what you do automatically makes you a douchebag, nor do I understand why people are so offended by Dave's attitude when they have nothing to do with him. Ok, maybe it would get old if you lived with the dude or worked in the band with him, but you know what? I'd put up with a great guitarist's rock star-isms if he'd let me play with Megadeth. However, most people who love to slag him and talk shit about how he's so stuck on himself have absolutely nothing to do with him. I never understood why people get so offended because he's a cocky guitarist. I have no problem with someone who is very demanding and a bit conceited if they're good at what they do...they've earned that right. Not everyone who plays in a big band has to be everyone's best friend...just being cordial will suffice.

Some people can be as nice as can be, but if their music sucks I won't give two shits about them. Their personality is the last thing I care about unless it affects me directly.

Kerry King has no choice in the matter. He's not a fantastic guitarist and his band has been playing the same song for 25 years now. The only reason they're still around is because of one-dimensional metalheads. Don't get me wrong, I like Slayer too but there is no other explanation for them having such continuity unless they keep playing the exact same riffs over and over for their fans who want to hear Angel of Death in five different songs. They definitely haven't evolved into something better, nor have they been in any way, shape or form innovative since Seasons and possibly even Reign.
Let me try to say something about just the music and this new record though....

It's definitely a good album and one of the better of the newer crop of Megadeth releases. However, it's nothing fresh and new and interesting. It's just more of the same 'deth I'm used to except it has even more solos and mediocre drumming. I'd rather put on Rust in Peace because not only is all the music fantastic, it's very nostalgic to me too... something new Megadeth will never ever be. My ears prefer older Megadeth or newer bands with a fresh take on heavy music.

Oh absolutely. This album may harken back to RIP, but it's definitely not RIP or PSBWB.

Ill just leave this here.
Weird, I actually got a copy of the retail version of the new Behemoth in the mail today and I gotta say the digipack layout with shiny gold logo looks really, really cool.