They are both soo very awesome in different ways!!! I love these two CD's and have been playing the crap out of both of them since I got them last week!!!

I'll work on a blog post for these two later today.
Received my copies from Nightmare yesterday. Thanks Lance!!! :worship: I wasn't able to check them out yet, but they will be the only two cds in my car for the next few days as I focus on them.

I've especially been waiting to hear the Pownd cd. They impressed me most - along with Evergrace and Mindflow - of the bands I had not yet heard on the Nightmare Sampler from PPUSA VII. I own the Evergrace cd and was listening to it again a couple of days ago. I bought the Suspyre debut cd at PPUSA last year and have been enjoying it ever since, so I after the great reviews this new one has received, I can't wait to hear it too. Now I need to get some Mindflow to prepare for Texas Madfest!


I'll share my thoughts on the Pownd and Suspyre releases later today or tomorrow after I've had time to check them out thoroughly. Thanks again!

I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks of the new record. It always helps to hear what people like and dislike about records...looking forward to hearing some reviews.
I'm looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks of the new record. It always helps to hear what people like and dislike about records...looking forward to hearing some reviews.

well I think Nightmare describes Suspyre - 'A Great Divide' perfectly within the promotional copy of the cd: "balancing heavy riffs, lush orchestral parts and classic prog - tastefully done with panache"

and I can say so far that it is truly a roller coaster ride of prog-metal, twisting and turning but doing it gracefully. I personally LOVE the orchestral arrangements. They fit the heavier riffing so well. And the vocals are wonderful throughout 'A Great Divide'. I'm still taking this cd in, but I'm letting my son take it with him on a weekend getaway. So I'll pick it back up at the start of next week.


POWND is also a roller coaster ride - but with punches about the face and neck! :zombie: And I mean that in a good way! I had to check the liner notes several times to see if there were several guest vocalists! this guy is amazing! such range! And this debut is HEAVY, HEAVY, HEAVY!!! *checks lip for blood*

More later after I've had some time to study each release a bit more. But so far, so good... so damn good! :worship:


HI guys, here Nico From HellSpawn zine from Belgium!
We received your cd for review and we liked it somuch we made it our album of the month!


By: Nico 2007.04.09

Circle Of Power
Nightmare Records
Cd van de maand april 2007

Het vijfkoppige gezelschap Pownd bracht zopas hun tweede langspeler uit via Lance King's Nightmare records. En meestal kun je bij de releases op dat label op voorhand al raden in wat voor richting je het muzikaal gebodene kunt gaan zoeken. En ook nu is het niet anders, lekkere powerfulle US metal is hetgene Pownd ons voorschotelt! "Circle of power" heeft een lekkere eighties feel maar dan voorzien van een modern geluid. De band brengt ons 11 krachtige en zeer catchy songs waar liefhebbers van het genre geen genoeg kunnen van krijgen. Zanger Michael Duncan eist als zanger en songwriter de hoofdrol op en levert een waanzinnige zangprestatie. Deze kerel kan zowat alles aan en kan zich zonder meer met vele groten meten, zoals daar zijn Geoff Tate, Midnight, Mike Tirelli (Holy Mother). Maar uiteraard laten ook de andere bandleden, waaronder zijn broer Ronnie (gitaar), zich niet onbetuigd en zetten ze allen hun beste beentje voor, waardoor deze "Circle of power" gewoonweg verslavend goed klinkt. Want de band bestookt ons met zeer catchy refreinen en melodieën die in je hoofd blijven rondspoken, luister maar es naar krakers als "Blind", "The stand" en/ of "Elie" om er maar een paar te noemen. Kortom, voer voor de US metal fans die houden van Holy Mother, Stepchild (wie kent dit nog?), Queensryche, etc... Nu moet ik es op zoek gaan naar hun in eigen beheer uitgebrachte debuut, want dit roept echt om meer. Samen met Slavior de tweede verrassing van 2007 voor ondergetekende!
93 Nico
This just in....:headbang:



What’s up? I just wanted to write you and let you know that the review for POWND has been completed and will go to editing today. Great CD liked it very much, Great vocals and changing style which is exciting.

The CD got 4 out of 5 stars.

We will be working on Suspyre next

Brian Rademacher (CEO)
I just got my copy of the suspyre album. From the moment I placed it into my CD player I was hooked.
It’s totally an emotional ride, with amazing melody’s , passionate vocals, shredding guitars and so much more. I expected a great album, but what I found was a master piece . I really cannot find any down side to it. The closes thing is at times you can hear some influences from Dream Theater or Symphony X. But really that’s not exactly bad , because the parts that are influenced are so by the times when the bands were at their bests. I highly recommend it to all.
Body: CD REVIEW Pownd

Band : Pownd

Album title : Circle Of Power

Label : Nightmare

Distributor : Bertus

Release date : 29/04/2007

Release : CD

We got no info what-so-ever with the promo of this CD, and what info you're gonna get was only obtained after dire search on the Internet. If I didn't get my info crosswired, the band originates from Richmond, Kentucky, but they relocated to Detroit, where they have gathered 1000s of fans thanks to their music. The band is constituted of singer Michael Duncan and his guitarist brother Ronnie , 2 nd guitarist Rick Sargent bassist Steve Watts , and drummer Clint McMaine . With influences like Judas Priest , Iron Maiden , Dio , Black Sabbath , and many more, the guys "...combine the best of '70s/ '80s and newer flavours of Heavy Rock and Metal into their own molten alloy of aggressive, mega riff, groove oriented Metal. Great vocals, great guitar riffs and powerful song..." (that's how they describe themselves on their spot and their own website The band already broadened their fanbase by giging all over the tristate area, and by releasing a self-titled debut.

With an original release date of November 11 th , 2006, the boys eventually also signed their 2 nd album to Nightmare , the label for quality Power and Progressive Metal founded in 1990 by current Avian , Shining Star (ex- Pyramaze & Balance Of Power ) vocalist Lance King ...from where the album has been available since February 6 th . And being on that label is really a statement in its own right. No wonder, because what the Detroit quintet bring here is truely top-notch, modern US Metal with pounding double bass foundation, catchy and melodic guitar licks, and truely great lead singer with a clear, not too high-pitched and powerful voice (getting great backings now and again in the appropriate place to boot). There's an opportunity to check out samples of each and every of the 11 tracks on the band's album, by logging into the label website, scrolling down the page 'till the cover of the album, click to enter Amazon, scroll down to find samples of each song. For full-length song sampling (play of words here) log into the band's website, click on "media", where you'll not only find possibility to listen to 4 tracks off the new album (also available on the opening "home" page), but are also enabled to check out 3 songs off the first!

Is the band's music worth your heard-earned buck to get yourself a retail copy? Find out for yourself, I've shown you the way to do so effectively...but in all honesty, if you're into quality Power Metal or top-notch US Metal, this release is one you simply can't afford not to buy or steal!

Additional info: Pownd is to be included in the soundtrack of the Jacob Ennis thriller/ horror movie Stash , which should be another nice way to spread the word on this very good band.

