New song with real Bass (tse, AD) [experimental]

Pull back the whoof on the kick drum. With my earbuds through my MAC it's a bit too much. The rest sits very nicely. You might even try to pull a little gain back from the guitars. Just a little bit, it's a little too fizzy IMO.

Would you mind postong your TSE settings? I'd like to see what it's like compared to my current setup. That's the only plugin I use anymore for guitars. I have an PodXT, AmpFarm and a few other amp sims that are collecting dust now.

Overall, cool composition. Kept me listening instead of the typical djent djent, meedley meedley, djent djent all over this forum.
I don't really have much in the way of critisism cause I'm a n00b but I guess the hats stood out a bit much or something.

As the other guy said though, this song is cool. Most djenty songs bore the crap outa me but this kept my interest.
Oh f*ck it's great
I really like this djent sound in guitars, when will be TSE able to be used in mac! :s