new watchtower website


watchtower webmaster
I am now in the process of designing a “new” official WatchTower website. I will fill you all in on what has happened with the marathoncd site:

As you all know the marathoncd site has been gone for some time now. My plan was to help (or) take over the marathoncd site for Bare with a new look, new domain and new server. Unfortunately the hard drive that contained the marathoncd site master files crashed, losing all the data of the website. This was not good news…

So, I am starting from the beginning with this..I have a few WatchTower historians and collectors (flyers, images, video) helping me gather anything Tower related here is Texas. The only thing salvaged from the marathoncd site is the “story” written by Jason. I found this off the Internet, thankfully!

The Tower guys will help me as much as they can with images that were on the marathoncd site; it will just take some time.

This will be a very in-depth WatchTower site…it’s my goal!

If anyone on this forum saved images from the old marathoncd website, PLEASE contact me. Or if you have any video footage from the past, photos from the past. Any contributions are more than welcome.


It’s all coming together slowly, and looking good so far.
