New Year's Eve Is Coming Up

I am most likely going to stay in and watch TV. Two of my friends (who happen to live around me) go to this shitty club every weekend and plan on going there tomorrow night. I got invited to go to the University of Kentucky for NYE, but I'm dogsitting and can't go far if I do go somewhere. Besides, I'm usually sleep by about 10 or so on Fridays since I'm so drained from the work week that it probably wouldn't be in my best interest to do anything that requires a lot of energy anyway.

Everyone be safe if you end up driving really late at night!
I'm at my house on the coast for New Year's Eve. We're having our traditional caesar salad, lobster, garlic bread and champagne. I'll probably spend the evening reading and I don't care if I make it to bed before midnight.

Last year was different, as I went to see a Ska show with my girlfriend that played through midnight. Was fun.
Damn it, your New Year's sounds awesome. If I'm lucky, I'll be getting baked and playing Silent Hill in the basement.
I'm going to stay up for at least 36 hours and drink about 30 beers and hang out with a bunch of awesome people in an awesome house and play a whole bunch of awesome music and have a generally awesome time.
Will just spend a quiet night with the gf. I wanted to drink... but she seems really against it (for... the first time ever)
So she'll just cook us dinner and we'll spend the evening together layin' on my bed.
I'm not doing anything on new year's eve. But I'm going to my girlfriend's extended family for new year's day. :erk: I'm going to have to awkwardly explain all day that I do not speak French, and hope they don't call me a "blockhead" like they do to the girlfriend when she speaks English to them.

At least I'm getting drunk there... I hope. :erk:
I'm going to a party at this guy's house who always has New Year's parties which a lot of the metal people in Phoenix come out to. His parties are always huge. Some bands will play too. Heavy metal vomit party! \m/
Going out to eat with the family and then maybe hanging with a friend. Got invited to go to a few clubs by some friends but I'm not feeling that at all for whatever reason so I might just end up drinking my Lambic Ale that I bought yesterday and just chillin.