Newbiest Pro Tools Question


Feb 6, 2004
Northern VA
Ok, so I feel like a total n00b for asking this, and am quite embarassed actually because I've been recording for almost 8 years, but I need some very basic tips for recording in Pro Tools. I've been recording in Sonar for as long as I can remember, but tonight I'm forced to do some serious recording in PT 7.something, and I need some help, as my Pro Tools experience is quite limited.

What's the best way to do multiple takes in ProTools? I will be recording drums on at least 7 or 8 tracks, and will obviously need to do punch ins. As I recall, whenever I've used Pro Tools, if you record on top of audio you already have recorded, you can't hear the audio that's already there. I need to be able to have the previous audio playback while PT is recording new audio, or we wont be able to record new takes. I understand I can create a new playlist for each take, but this doesn't really solve the issue at hand.

What's your advice for recording multiple takes in PT?

Thanks dudes
Look at the transporter for a button called pre-roll. Switch it on and choose how many bars you want to hear before recording again.