Non-metal Instruments


bring back the corvee
Jul 29, 2004
Just wondering if any of you play anything besides the standard metal instruments. I'm learning to play the balalaika (a Russian folk instrument) and I play a tiny bit of fiddle as well.
I used to play doublebass. I was pretty good at it. I played violin when I was really young as well. Thinking about learning cello now. I can do it by ear but classical instruments are harder that way. Frets are the ultimate cheat.
In addition to playing bass guitar with my band, I also play Classical contrabass with my school's guitar ensemble. :)
Mormagil said:
Just wondering if any of you play anything besides the standard metal instruments. I'm learning to play the balalaika (a Russian folk instrument) and I play a tiny bit of fiddle as well.

I play NOTHING but metal instruments, but I would love to play violin/cello/viola and a harmonica. The funny thing about those instruments is that they are common in country music. I don't care for country at all (especially modern country) but a "fiddle" is a violin and a "harp" is a harmonica (used in folk music) country music especially classic country.
I wouldn't use either instrument in a country style, but the fact you mentioned "non-metal" instruments gave me a small appreciation for classic country artists.

I play trumpet pretty seriously... other than that, I mess around on harmonica and I used to play viola.
i'd like to learn the violin. right now the only "non metal" instrument i'm messing with is the mandolin
I used to play the clarinet for years, and am looking to get back into it and possibly the oboe as well. Also I just got a harmonica tonight.
Feicht said:
i'd like to learn the violin. right now the only "non metal" instrument i'm messing with is the mandolin

It's easy to learn how to play the violin if you already know how to play the mandolin.

I play the violin (I used to play in an orchestra. Since the orchestra stopped existing, I've played in a duet and in a quartet.), I recently started playing the piano and I've taken some tubelek lessons (percussion). I also sing in a choir.