Now Playing Thread

Coil- Love's Secret Domain, I really should listen to Coil more often, pretty good band, this is one of my favorites of theirs. Next Eluvium- When I live by the garden and the sea EP.
Yeah it's really good, made even better thanks to appearances from Garm. He's on the the new Star Of Ash as well. Ihsahn bagged himself one talented chick indeed.
Agreed. I'll have to get the new one when it comes up. Woven Hand- Ten Stones :D, looks like the leak god isn't so much of a cunt after all, at least he let up and gave me this. Now hopefully his generosity continues with Enslaved. If you aren't familiar with Woven Hand get Mosaic and prepare to be dominated. Next Isis- Celestial. Oh and nice one Carta's I spun Music has the right to children yesterday, almost forgot how good Boards of Canada are.
Well the new Woven Hand was fantastic as expected. Continuing the win with Ane Brun- Changing of the seasons which is a top 5 of 08 release for me. Absolutely adore it, her vocals and songwriting are second to none iyam. Next Eluvium- Time Travel of The Sloth Parts I, II And III.