O/T: Mindcrime


Feb 18, 2002
St. Petersburg, FL
Listening to Operation: Mindcrime again now, damn what a phenomenal album. I still remember when I was a kid when it came out, I listened to the whole story with headphones and followed the lyrics, wow! I still think it's one of the best albums ever made, the way the story flows is brilliant. Anyone who hasn't heard this is missing out. Anyways...
sorry, i saw them w/ priest this summer. they were obnoxiously horrible. the singer had to have the name of the city he was playing in written on posterboard and taped to the stage for when he talked to the crowd. and they talked about mindcrime 2 eeesh. you like them and that's cool. i just don't care for them.
mindcrime is pretty cool most of the albums they made with degarmo is cool. I think he was the true master mind musician in the band. I admire them that they did not sell out or at least tried. They are still around and show no signs of slowing down. Too some people they maybe horrible or whatever but you gotta admire them for their longevity in the music buz.. hats off to these guys......
Normally, I absolutley despise all that is prog, power, fantasy... whatever metal. It's an incredibly rare exception that I will like something in these genre's.

This is, without the shadow of a doubt, one of the greatest albums of all time!

I got it, reluctantly, because I heard countless rave reviews for it and that it was this "brilliant" album. I already had "Operation: Livecrime" and hated it because... well, it was bad. I never heard them before, and this was a bad introduction. So I got it, put it on, and decided to try and enjoy it.

My friend, there was no try, only genuis emerging from my speakers! "Revolution Calling", "Eyes of a Stranger"... I was only 5 when the 1980's ended, so hearing these songs always takes me back to those days, and I swear I heard them back then. The entire album brims with anger and cries of rebellion, to trust no one, and has proven to be simply timeless. I swear, the lyrics sound like they were written yesterday.

And trust me, I normally hate this type of music, but I must demand you buy this album!
Early Queensryche is VERY good!........but they are not very good in concert.
Doesn't take away from their recorded stuff for me.
Magnificent Album - one of the best ever. Since Degarmo left though they aren't a shadow of what they used to be.
I love it unfortuately I didn't see the whole production live. But I did see most of it live ,no video mind you, when they opened for Mettalica. What a great night.
LuvataciousSkull said:
Normally, I absolutley despise all that is prog, power, fantasy... whatever metal. It's an incredibly rare exception that I will like something in these genre's.

This is, without the shadow of a doubt, one of the greatest albums of all time!

I got it, reluctantly, because I heard countless rave reviews for it and that it was this "brilliant" album. I already had "Operation: Livecrime" and hated it because... well, it was bad. I never heard them before, and this was a bad introduction. So I got it, put it on, and decided to try and enjoy it.

My friend, there was no try, only genuis emerging from my speakers! "Revolution Calling", "Eyes of a Stranger"... I was only 5 when the 1980's ended, so hearing these songs always takes me back to those days, and I swear I heard them back then. The entire album brims with anger and cries of rebellion, to trust no one, and has proven to be simply timeless. I swear, the lyrics sound like they were written yesterday.

And trust me, I normally hate this type of music, but I must demand you buy this album!

Cool... everyone is entitled to their own opinions. but regardless the type of Metal it is I admire them under one condition..These are 5 guys that actually play their insturments and write their own material..U probably know what i mean. Their are not so many so call musicians that can do that... not many. some bands have outside writers that helps them write a good song or just a plain jane song. I like to know what the elements in a band are. at least u know they wrote a sucky song or a good one..shit at least they wrote it.. I think that's whats important. getting your own ideas that either it comes from the heart from hell, from your moms cooking, from somewhere...anywhere....but that it comes from within YOU
Early Queensryche absolutly kicked ass...Geoff's voice was and is of a different breed..along the lines of Warrel Dane, Rob Halford, Ray Alder etc. The notes they are able to hit, etc. set them apart in my opinion.
I like to thing of Queensryche as the thinking man's Metal-Rock band.

Brilliant musicians. My mate lent me the Op Mindcrime live video - they are just so good live. How I wish Degarmo was still in the band. Reminds me of when Kai Hansen left Helloween how it just all fell apart.

Now that is another great band - Helloween (Keeper 1 & 2) - classics!