O/T: Twiggy leaving Manson??


Since someone posted about a Slipknot rumor, I thought I'd ask if anyone else had heard this. I read on a board somewhere that Twiggy was leaving Manson to spend more time with his girlfriend. This would suck, because Twiggy is the brains behind Marilyn Manson, Manson may the mouthpiece, but Twiggy Ramirez writes all the tunes, and he is the most entertaining on stage.
I'd be glad to see him leave. Twiggy's too good for Manson. But if he's leaving to spend more time with his girlfriend that's pretty gay.
Twiggy may indeed be to good for Manson, but who in the hell wants to buy the twiggy ramirez project. I think he and Manson have a good thing going. I hope they stay together. Holywood was great, so of course no one bought it. Antichrist Superstar *btw* and *imho* was one of the best heavy rock records of the 90's....................
i LOVE portrait of an american family... all the records after that i never really cared for. POAAF was, in my opinion, before manson started taking him image so seriously to keep up with the image that was being pinned on it. there was a lot more humor involved with that record, as opposed to trying to keep up with that image.

am i making sense?

and since we're talking about twiggy... ironically, he didn't even play bass on that record.

my post is pointless basically.
Hey, yeah, but Steve, did you actually hear that record back when it was released, or later on. Not that makes a big difference, but I think if you heard it after you heard what came after it, it is not the same. That isn't to say that your point is moot, but I would take that comment more seriously from someone who was a Manson fan the whole way thru. In other words, I'm not gonna listen to someone who was born in 1977 tell me which Beatles albums to listen too.......... just a question.......
Hey, Ty, weren't YOU born in '77??

And to answer you, I bought POAAF when it came out, before Smells Like Children and everything after. It is their best album. It's before they discovered computers and before he got all, "oh look at me the world hates me I must sing about it on every song I write." I have all the singles and everything right up until Anti-Christ Superstar, but then I only bought the albums after that. I don't have Holywood, the single I heard didn't impress me enough to buy it. POAAF is by far the best thing they did.

As for Twiggy, what the hell can you expect from someone who was creaming his twinkie with Courtney Love??
Originally posted by TD
Hey, yeah, but Steve, did you actually hear that record back when it was released, or later on. Not that makes a big difference, but I think if you heard it after you heard what came after it, it is not the same. That isn't to say that your point is moot, but I would take that comment more seriously from someone who was a Manson fan the whole way thru. In other words, I'm not gonna listen to someone who was born in 1977 tell me which Beatles albums to listen too.......... just a question.......

i got it a couple weeks after it came out.