Observation about A Fair Judgement

that last riff is totally out of place. why did they have to add that on? it ruins the song for me and sounds like its only there to extend the song beyond the customary 10 minutes
Originally posted by hibernal_dream
that last riff is totally out of place. why did they have to add that on? it ruins the song for me and sounds like its only there to extend the song beyond the customary 10 minutes

I really like that bit. Up to that point the song is kinda happyish and fluffy (hmm, that came out wrong), anyways...I think its awesome how after all this niceness suddenly such an evil, dark and angry riff comes in. How its like boom...boooommm...booooommmmm, baammm bamm booom, after sucha mellow song.
that ending part is awesome, very doomy, been listening to some MDB.