Observation about Forum....


...I am just thin air...
Jul 12, 2001
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Having been looking here for about 6 months I have seen the forum go through a lot of changes, and seen many people come and go. Some of you I know pretty well outside of the board, some of you on the board barely even know I am here.
I am just making an observation about how I think the board has lost its "flare". I am not complaining at all, this is still the best board on the net, but it has really changed. Soulreaper said something in the Gummy Worm thread that just got me kind of thinking. Though I don't think that a thread like that is "the beginning of the end" it still got me thinking.
One thing that really dissapoints me is that we have lost some of the people that I respected most on this board, like Duvall, HoserHellSpawn, Till Fjalls, and others. Though they still post sometimes, it is a rare occasion. And I have just lost some respect for this board in general. It seems that truly interesting knowledgable conversations/arguments are really just being interrupted and not taken as seriously by some; therefore leading to a major decrease in them. I just have lost a lot of interest in the board. You can look at two whole pages of posts and not really see anything interesting. Maybe that is just me...
Don't take this as a rant, because it isn't it is just an observation that I have made, and I am curious as to how you all; particularly ones who have been here for a few months, feel. I still like this board though, just wanted to see what you guys would think of this.


And those of you who want to say "oh get a life, don't take the board so seriously": don't say it, because you will just be making an ass of yourself. This board is a nice place to come to, and I DO NOT take it as seriously as it may seem from this thread; but I am trying to say something.
i had all these same thoughts a couple weeks ago, and then...voila...some really funny/thoughtful threads appeared. as many people have said, you just have to dig a bit. AND it seems that the "intellectual" threads still manage to be found by the people whose opinions i respect, so i'm content.

i don't care for the threads that consist solely of bantering back and forth or flirting or what have you. but there's nothing that can be done to stop it, as you know, so i just try to avoid them.

but i realize i have more time than a lot of you to actually go through and find the interesting threads. when i'm at work (like today) i just keep it open all day. ;)

hang in there, morningrise. you're one of the oldies that you're referring to, so i'd hate to see you leave.
So, would you all rather we all sit around here and just discuss the meaning of life? Jesus, we're not allowed to have some fun to? If rambling on about gummy worms bothers you, don't open the damn thread.
There was a thread like this one about a month ago with someone whining about the lack of intellectual stimulation on the board. Why don't you start a philosophical thread or something if the current threads are disappointing? Damn......
I have never been a fan of boards with 'one topic'. I know that people talk about other things than Opeth here but it's still a Opeth board and pretty much everybody are Opeth fans, so I think it somewhat kills the variety and that in between Opeth major events there's less conversation..

Just my observation.

NP: Secret Chiefs 3 - Second Grand Constitution
So, would you all rather we all sit around here and just discuss the meaning of life? Jesus, we're not allowed to have some fun to? If rambling on about gummy worms bothers you, don't open the damn thread.

Indeed. Having fun has been my objective since then one, im not an insecure son of a bitch that needs intelectually challenging discussions to prove myself im arrogant intelligent and full of myself, besides the religion threads are the focus of such "intellectual stimuli" and i already think its been done to death and i only have been since october i can just imagine. You people need to stop whinning and feel superior because when it comes down to it you are just a bunch of boring wankers that cannot have fun, take a fucking philosophy major at collegue and live it alone already.

The introspective threads i do like, as i stated before for some reason i like talking to strangers about personal things i feel there is no way they can betray me and i can still get some advice from positive people that understands depression like metalmancpa and dont just attack with stupid crap like o you are a kid you will get over it. And well i havent seen much of those around but they seem to come and go im not worried.
@ Jayde and Misanthrope...
Hes not saying that every thread needs to be a very serious thread. hes making an observation since when he first came here to what it is now. He said dont reply if your gonna make some stupid shit about that again. i dont think we need to make stupid fuckin threads to "have some fun". i think the long threads are more fun then a "quickie thread" :)lol: )
ANd jayde he is not whining. HE IS MAKING AN OBSERVATION as he stated about 8 times.

You people need to stop whinning and feel superior because when it comes down to it you are just a bunch of boring wankers that cannot have fun, take a fucking philosophy major at collegue and live it alone already.

Why dont you think before you write. I dont think Morningrise is a boring wanker who cant have any fun. We have plenty fun for christ sake. I think you have been here too short of time to say something like that. My observation is there is about 15 threads of the same damn thing. threads like "cough in the moor, favorite opeth song, and so on."
There needs to be less threads because i cannot read all of them. I dont think a post about how you have gummy worms needs to be there. I am gone for a day and when i come back there is like 3 pages of new threads. Do people really need to post that bad? I want to read every thread but there is no time. I dont know what we should do about it but hell, i am just making an OBSERVATION.
it's sad I've only been here since the begining of november and
I already notice all the extra threads that don't need to be ther
I've posted some myself, but than again sometime I just want
to write something and let people see it. They don't have to reply
or anything I just wanted people to see it. If I see a thread like
that I usually just skip past it and look for the one's that look

Well I've said my 2 cents hope you enjoyed it if not who cares

…if I only had a bullet then I'd show them…
what makes you think that what i was doing was not also an observation? the tone of my message? am i to blame for the fact that you dont have time? do i even fucking care about you? do you think everyone will talk about it and stop posting just because you dont have time to read all the threads?do you think that the opinions of the new persons on the forum like myself dont count while the opinions of people like you who barely talks at all are more valid cause you have been around longer? Do you think its fair that you old timers wish to control the forum and are pissed off making observations because they do not have the time to check it all while all us the newcomers to most of the posting and have a more active way of participating?

This "the forum is crap" is becoming too damn common no one forces anyone to be here and no one forces me to post what they want here is another observation: Make your own goddamn forum if you want those things to be a valid argument or observation or whatever the fuck it is you want it to call it.
Well, I've been here since the beginning of May, and of course this board has changed. I've observed the same type of change. But there are reasons. More people, more ideas, varying age groups, males, females, some richer, some poorer - all have different upbringings - all with different points of view. Yet we all manage to join this community, and for the most part forget our differences, and just talk about stuff - some great, some stupid, some smart, some boring : just like any other conversation we may have in our own lives.

I said it in another thread - there are no rules here. This is still the best board on the net, and I really think once people are here for a while, they realize that too.

The only threads that bother me are the ones where it sounds like a couple of bratty kids name calling on each other - that's what most other boards on the net are like. But guess what? I have the choice to ignore them - so I waste a minute or two until I find out the thread is a waste of my time. Personally, I like deeper, more "intellectual" conversation, but I'll join in on these so-called pointless threads because they too can be fun if you let them.

I will not over analyze this board. People do that too much in life, and tend to miss things because they think too much. This board provides an outlet from life I enjoy - so no matter, I'll have fun anyways.
The only threads that bother me are the ones where it sounds like a couple of bratty kids name calling on each other - that's what most other boards on the net are like. But guess what? I have the choice to ignore them - so I waste a minute or two until I find out the thread is a waste of my time. Personally, I like deeper, more "intellectual" conversation, but I'll join in on these so-called pointless threads because they too can be fun if you let them.

I just wish all the people that have been around for a while would look at things like you do and stop attacking the newbies, another common thing in boards but doing in a more "intelectual" way here...
Originally posted by Misanthrope

I just wish all the people that have been around for a while would look at things like you do and stop attacking the newbies, another common thing in boards but doing in a more "intelectual" way here...

I think it's that part of human nature where you want to protect your turf. I guess when you are someplace for a while, it becomes yours - so some are afraid of change, and try to chase others off [IMO]. The problem is you don't get a chance to know that person - I've seen many 1st posts by "newbies". If I was the judgemental type, I would of written some off long ago, but once they're here for a while, they too are part of the family.
I didn't get offensive in that, and it wasn't directed at anyone, but people like Jayde and Misanthrope take it too seriously. And that is a major coincidence because Misanthrope is one of the people I least respect on this board, and Jayde is getting up there (but I can't say that because I don't know enough about her.) You just take it the wrong way, and you shouldn't, think about what you are doing.

So, would you all rather we all sit around here and just discuss the meaning of life? Jesus, we're not allowed to have some fun to? If rambling on about gummy worms bothers you, don't open the damn thread.
So, would you all rather we all sit around here and just discuss the meaning of life? Jesus, we're not allowed to have some fun to? If rambling on about gummy worms bothers you, don't open the damn thread.

That just made me lose so much respect for you. First of all notice that I said that I was making an observation, not criticising the "lack of philosophical threads". You must feel that you are a problem if you happened to take it taht way, and get so defensive; that is really what it seems.

You people need to stop whinning and feel superior because when it comes down to it you are just a bunch of boring wankers that cannot have fun, take a fucking philosophy major at collegue and live it alone already.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And this is coming from MISANTHROPE, hopefully I won't have to explain myself on this!!
:lol: :lol:
Thats funny as hell!
I hope life works out for you ok man!
how can misanthrope be the person you respect least on this board? i find that amazing, because there are plenty of people who just come here looking for a fight, rambling off som really stipid shit that's just suppose to get a reaction out of people. i don't see how misanthrope, or even jayde, can be so horrible because they don't agree with your observation.
Whats the point of saying that it wasnt directed at us 2 when you are now directing attacks at us 2? i tell you the difference the difference is i dont fucking care to say what i really think to anyone anywhere and i do so, you hide behind your opinion bullshit when you obiosly have a problem with us for the cuality of our post by your standart. And im glad you hate me, ( or least respect me as you are still too affraid of telling me stuff like you should ) and im glad everyone wants me banned, the day i get my account banned is the day this forum is lost forever to arrogant sons of bitches that think they are more intellectual and have the classic better than you attitude. I have done enough crap and said enough bullshit and posted enough flood to be banned in most of the other forums i know and none of you is a moderator or a member of Opeth as far as i know so none of you can do anything about it, tough because as long as this forum reminds free you are stucked with us bunch of flooding nonesense off topic tribial bastards and you can do nothing about it. Ill say it again: Star your own goddamn forum or waste your patetic atempt to look smart elsewhere cause its not gonna help at all.
Are you from another country? Can't understand english well? I am speaking about people that post often on the board, or regular members, not jackasses who come in with a few posts acting like retards. I never said that Jayde and Misanthrope were "so horrible because they don't agree with my observation."
I used them as an example because they were two that came and just took what I said totally wrong, and piss me off. Let me know if you need more clarification, I would be glad to share.
Dont mind Morningrise you are right, is just that like everyone else he mentioned he likes to trow rocks and hide behind the bushes he wont admit he is making attacks and wont admit that his words hide resentment towards us.