October Tide "Blackness Devours" streaming debut!

My first impression is very good. Not an easy song. Requires some more listens... Great lead guitar melodies at some parts (quite like old Katatonia). Vocals are top notch but the production is a bit too much "in your face". I gotta tell this made me more excited for the rest. Great work Fred!! You showed us you still got some quality stuff in you!!
I'm afraid I'm a little disappointed.
Reminds me more of Swallow the Sun at times than old October Tide.

Vocals sound like they will fit the old songs perfectly though, so still looking forward to the gig.
Not bad at first listen, reminds me of Grey Dawn a little bit...

Reminds me more of Swallow the Sun at times than old October Tide.

I was expecting this would happen, that it'd end up sounding like generic "melodic doom", but expecting another Rain Without End would just be unreasonable in this case. As it stands, this is pretty good....the dissonant chords and nice leads are still there, after all.
at first those leads appeared predictable to me... but after listening several times, as usual, it all has settled properly and now it sounds great)) Btw I also thought of Swallow The Sun while listening... but only as a first impression) So I agree)) It's a darker "sequel" to Grey Dawn, I guess))) ...and, perhaps a bit less Katatonia, and a bit more "standard death doom stuff" here.
Sounds very promising so far, that CD is a must-buy for me, but it was already even before I heard the song..

Very good, brooding song. Great sound, excellent and very fitting vocals. Love the weeping guitars, great Paradise Lost Gothic/Shades of God atmospheres. Very pleased!
the riffs were kinda boring i think but as soon as the melodies kick in its pretty amazing. the vocals are the perfect progression from grey dawn, lovin em.