Official Brainstorm Fanclub!!!

No-Mercy said:
that may be......but i even have 2 more years til i can drive, so i have no way of going. damn

And still you would need an Airplane to get there :)

150KM for me, if i find someone who comes with me ill be there :)
Just Need some info about Ticketprices and where to buy.

Thanks for the info Centerman

metal evilution said:
I'll come with you if you pay for my airfare? :loco:

I´m glad if i am able to pay the gas for my car to get there :loco:
I saw entry fee is 12Euros in presale and 15 at the entrance, so i think ill pay more for the gas as for the entry fee :yell:

Sent my "registration email" few moments ago, hope theres some other who join the club! would be quite nice :hotjump:

regards Sebastian
Yeah i registered earlier as well Sebastian. I like the idea of fanclubs and how they show the band how much certain people enjoy their music. Living in a country where they have never played makes it hard for me to get involved but i will keep hounding till i get them to come down here to Australia! They are not well known here yet but to change that they need to come down, play some shows, blow the crowds away and make lots of new fans here. We have a healthy Metal scene and they would do well here. :)
Ok Guys, we´ve installed the forum on our website now. In the forum you can see the news about the Fanclub. In the future you will find the news on the HP and in the forum.

Now I have to look how the VfB Stuttgart will loose against Köln:-(((((

Stay Heavy!

Of course:) We´re happy about evry new member. Doesn´t matter where you come from. Ok, If you are a Swabian it will be the best but nobody is perfrect :p
Just joking. Your´re absolutly welcome!

Maybe when BS will play in northern germany I will make a trip to the Hanseaten:)
Maybe when BS will play in northern germany I will make a trip to the Hanseaten:)[/QUOTE]

But please don't forget to bring your dictionary:
German-Swabian:Swabian-German :Spin: