Official Off Topic Thread



You know what's scary? Those are actually my exact work hours. No fuckin' joke. At my music shop, they just tell me to come and go when they do or don't need me, and it's usually about those times.
not learning the parts I give them, THEY admit they can't write music, so I do it for them. I don't have an ego of any sort, but I was a founding member of this band along with the drummer and we are the ones who've written the music. That's how it's always been. (another thing that bugs me is comprimising with the drummer about songs, so I have complete freedom with Iumentus). I just don't work well with other people, usually. They said I have an ego due to a misconception that I said "They can't play the parts I made for them" when it's actually "They don't care to learn the parts I made for them and would rather simplify everything".

these parts. it just seems like you want total control over the band, and that's egotistical. not saying it negatively. just sayin'.

It has little to do with the parts I've made. It has to do with the dedication that they give to the band, which is very low. From missing band practices to not learning the parts I give them, to not caring about improving their skills. THEY admit they can't write music, so I do it for them. I don't have an ego of any sort, but I was a founding member of this band along with the drummer and we are the ones who've written the music. That's how it's always been. I think I might just quit the band after the album is over and work on my side project (another thing that bugs me is comprimising with the drummer about songs, so I have complete freedom with Iumentus). I just don't work well with other people, usually. They said I have an ego due to a misconception that I said "They can't play the parts I made for them" when it's actually "They don't care to learn the parts I made for them and would rather simplify everything". Quite a difference iyam. If I did let them "participate" more, nothing would be accomplished! I'm only referring really to 2 people though, and other than the drummer's whining, him and the singer I have no problems with.


So what your saying is that the other two members are too lazy to learn and practice more complicated stuff, and are bitching at you to simplify it? Ditch them, I'd never be in a band with people who sacrifice the quality of music just because they're too lazy to learn it.
these parts. it just seems like you want total control over the band, and that's egotistical. not saying it negatively. just sayin'.
Hmm, well I guess I worded it wrong. I don't really want control, want I want is the other members to do what they are supposed to do. If this is the case of having an ego, then my drummer has a huge one as well.

Right, anyway yeah it is true that in some cases I do want stuff to be done my way, but for the most part everyone in the group agrees with it. Hmm, I'm really hoping the band just ends soon and I can work on my solo project. (More of a solo project with uhh... permanent guest members but it is my music.)
Moving FTL

Tomorrow, my family is moving to Minot, ND. My dad is in the Air Force and he is being reassigned there...the sad thing is that he put ND as his first choice:erk: . Fortunately it doesn't affect me for any more than 3 or 4 months out of the year since I'm in college, but it's lame nonetheless. Just got goodbyes and shit out of the way today and have everything wrapped up. We live in Montana right now and I LOVE it here. It's a small enough town (at least enough to keep me from calling it a city), a nice pace of living, the vast majority of my friends live here, very clean and safe place to live, and I've really gotten comfortable living here. Going to St. Paul, MN for school made me realize how much I really liked being in MT. At least this time (as opposed to previous moves) I'm not living under my parents roof/rules and nothing is stopping me from coming back to visit fairly often. For a long time, I was sure that I wanted to go back east after college, but I think MT might just be the place for me.
Moving FTL

Tomorrow, my family is moving to Minot, ND. My dad is in the Air Force and he is being reassigned there...the sad thing is that he put ND as his first choice:erk: . Fortunately it doesn't affect me for any more than 3 or 4 months out of the year since I'm in college, but it's lame nonetheless. Just got goodbyes and shit out of the way today and have everything wrapped up. We live in Montana right now and I LOVE it here. It's a small enough town (at least enough to keep me from calling it a city), a nice pace of living, the vast majority of my friends live here, very clean and safe place to live, and I've really gotten comfortable living here. Going to St. Paul, MN for school made me realize how much I really liked being in MT. At least this time (as opposed to previous moves) I'm not living under my parents roof/rules and nothing is stopping me from coming back to visit fairly often. For a long time, I was sure that I wanted to go back east after college, but I think MT might just be the place for me.
I have friends who live in Minot, and I went to visit them a few years back. Take weights with you to weigh you down, particularly around the end of August/beginning of September. The wind blows fast and cooooold from Canada around then.
I have friends who live in Minot, and I went to visit them a few years back. Take weights with you to weigh you down, particularly around the end of August/beginning of September. The wind blows fast and cooooold from Canada around then.

Well, we're used to keeping sand bags in the bed of the truck. The roads in montana during winter or br00tal and our truck doesn't have 4 wheel drive which doesn't help:lol: . Thanks for the headsup nonetheless!

Anyway, we got here today. I wasn't impressed upon first sight...though we got in late, checked in at the hotel, ate dinner, then back to the hotel. I haven't seen enough to have a valid opinion of the place yet. However, there is a Scandinavian Heritage Center down the road, which obviously means there is a HUGE viking metal scene here....