Oh, great, Mattias is here.

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I was so here first, don't give that fucking crap, you piece of SHIT! Following, stalking, being gay! 3 activities of yours.

How lame is that? I even mention you in the last post I wrote, wondering where you've been all this time and pondering whether or not you'll ever read it, and VOILA, there you are!
Yeah, well, you talked utter shit and crap about me in that other post, so...

You so anticipated I was going to be here and so you waited ´til I entered. Don´t try to deny it!
That´s a big and fat LIE! The only explanation I can think of is that you have some sort of geeky computer software (obviously developed by you), with which you monitor my internet-habits. Hence, you anticipate my every move. Granted, you don´t get it right all the time, but oftentimes you do, and THAT`S why you appear before me on every forum. See?

Compliment me on my rad deduction-skills.
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