OK, I like black metal, but


Nordic Worrier
Apr 29, 2003
Odda(shithole), Norway
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This is kinda sick.
A (norwegian)black metal band "Illvastar" member has been arrested for corpse desecration. He and three friends broke into a crematorium, cut off and stole off with the head of a corpse, and brought it to a party :OMG:

Kinda brings Fenrisulvens sheep head incident to shame...
That's pretty disturbing. If it were a relative/friend of mine who's corpse they'd violated, I think I'd have to track em down and sodomize them all with broken bottles or something...

for starters. :devil:
Ah.. it disturbs me our language has needed a word to describe the acts of sodomy. And that incident isn't too comforting either.

Sigh, respect the dead. Leave 'em alone. -_-
LuminousAether said:
The act of sodomy is anal penetration. It is not a bad thing, but a very fun thing. You prude.

Sodomy is any form of sex that is considered to be un-natural, yes, anal sex is that, but that's not what I was referring to.

I was referring to acts of beastiality and the like. :ill:

Er... if you want to watch some one rammed in the arse by a horse, that's cool... but I just find it sick. Maybe it's me though.o_O Er... I just wouldn't find that fun. Hmm... guess I'm a prude though.:Smug:
Tool said:
Well, At least he didn't STAB THE LEAD SINGER 23 TIMES WHILE IN HIS UNDERWEAR... but yeah, pretty disturbing.

I thought that was considered natural causes in the BM community, heh.

At least they didn't sodomize the body.

Neslepaks: Sorry, my fault, the band was called Svartahrid, and he was a former member, I think.

This case has been the big thing in the last days norwegian news, turns out he was likely on E, various pills and alcohol.