Ok, my turn to review the Jaxx show.

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Mike (Tempest) picked me up at 11:45ish, and we picked up Dan (Zob Rombie) and his friend Zack. Mike realized he forgot his camera memory card at his work (about 20 min away), so we went there, got it, then made our way to the Jaxx! With my trusty GPS in hand, we made it without any problems whatsoever.

But, on our way there, we went to a Wawa to refuel and get somethin to eat... my sandwich sucked. Major disappointment, as Wawa always has awesome sandwiches. But anyway, we made it to the Jaxx at around 3:50, and met up with Jeff (Souls of Black), Zack (zmetallica), and his friend Steve. Eventually, Derick (Chromatose) and Steve (FretsAFlame) showed up. I saw some guys from Division show up, so I ran to give my shirt and CD that I promised to Mike. I went back to the line and we were BSing for a while, and I accompanied Zack to his interview with Loomis. Right before we went inside to the interview, we ran into Ellis (En Vind Av Sorg). I made it extremely brief because we had to go inside for the 4:30 intervew.

The staff led us into the main concert area, where we saw Warrel (Sentient6 :zombie:). Warrel looked like a deer in headlights and he said "Oh no..." :tickled: He then called Steph (MetalSteph) over and she gave me a hug. We then kidnapped Jeff for the interview.

I kept quiet during the interview, because Zack told me not to open my mouth. After the interview was being taped, I told Jeff that I had my own question. Zack said "NOW you have questions!" I said "Well, you told me to keep my mouth shut."

Anyway, we went back to wait in line for a couple more hours. To mark people that are under 21, security came out and put these faggy black X's on our hands.

Anyways, We were 3 rows of people back, and it was my intent to get up front during Nevermore. During Evergrey, I bribed some dude $5 to switch spots with me. At first, he declined... but then I waved the money at him.

Right before Nevermore, I bribed Ellis's friend with $20 to let me up front. There I was... smushed next to Creator_Failure :tickled: Sorry, didn't catch your real name! Nevermore hit the stage, and they r00led moreso than usual!

He introduced PGM by saying "This is a song off of Dreaming Neon Black!" he pointed to me and said "No, not YOUR song! Don't kill yourself, Will.. actually, since we're not playing it, you have to!". Then, they nailed that fuckin song! The rest of the set was equally as amazing... up to and including the last song. Warrel said "we have enough time for one last song!" I yelled out "LIGHT OF DAY, DAY OF DARKNESS!!" To which he stopped, stared at me, and said "...thats an entire fuckin album, but it IS one song" or something along the lines of that.

Random quotes that were directed to me throughout the night

"Shut up, Will"
"No, Will"
"Will, just stop"
"Will, you need to brush your tongue" :tickled:

Also, Jim would keep coming over to where I was standing and playing his bass all up close and i was trying to point out on the neck where I thought he was gonna go. It looked like he got a kick out of that.

But yeah, after the show I gave Warrel a CD. It's about time I got one of them to him. I got him and Jim to sign my Into the Mirror Live CD. They both looked dumbfounded to see it. Jim said that he turned his into a clock o_O

He mentioned some stuff about future live shows and I said "Well, you'll play No More Will, right?" He said "What would happen if we actually played that song? You'd probably explode... the universe would end there... plus, you'd squeal like a woman" :tickled:

As always, it was a great time BSing with Warrel, Jeff, and Jim. Was cool to finally meet Chris, too! I wonder where Van was.

So on behalf of myself, I'd like to thank all of the board members for putting up with my stupidity and horrible speaking ability. And I'd like to thank the band for being amazing musicians and human beings.
:lol: he does that at every show I go to. it's humorous, because the people around me are usually like "who the fuck is that guy and why is Warrel talking to him?"


Yeah, I had a blast. Next time I go to a show there, I'm getting a motel room for the night.
Yeah, it was fun. Lots of great memories.

Yeah yeah, you live in Arlington. It was weird, I didn't think a highway was that close to any governmental buildings, but the damn highway 495 (i think it was, which highly amused me), went RIGHT in back of the damn capitol/capital Ca Pittle
Hey will, out of all the people at jaxx to be sandwhiched next to, it was definatly fun getting crushed together! my name is Pete by the way haha, and the drive back to Jersey was definatly much worse then the drive down... My friend and i kept switching who drove because we both felt like we were going to pass out and die, but luckily we made it back around 4:30am. Watching you yell out random songs to Warrel was hilarious, i got a huge smile from Chris when i yelled out "Shadow Thief!!" Overall an amazing night, cant wait to do it again next time around!
Will Bozarth said:
#1 quote of the night, though:

metalkingdom (forget your name dude, sorry!) to some jackass: "Bitch, don't make me fucking stab your ass"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh man, I'm sooooo embarrassed. I told you guys that I'm a magnet for assholes! I wanna apologize to all of you that witnessed that, because I definitely didn't want to have something like that happen the first time I met you guys. I feel like a total jerk.

It was a pleasure and an honor meeting all of you guys from the forums last night. You guys are a great bunch, and Nevermore couldn't ask for any better fans. Will - you fucking show stealer! I can't believe how much WD talked to you from the stage. That was really sweet (not gay sweet). No wonder you don't remember my name - you're an honorary rockstar!

If anybody is wondering... I finally met up with the soundman, and him, Van, James and I had a very cool few minutes on the side of the bus before they left! :Smokin:

Catch you guys next time. Maybe I could provide security for the next DM show. :heh:
Will, you must pay for my flight out there when there is a next show, or I shall split your spleen into 5 peices, so I may devour them in an orderly fashion.

Great review by the way... I wonder if there'll be a few more vidoes coming...
metalkingdom said:
Oh man, I'm sooooo embarrassed. I told you guys that I'm a magnet for assholes! I wanna apologize to all of you that witnessed that, because I definitely didn't want to have something like that happen the first time I met you guys. I feel like a total jerk.

It was a pleasure and an honor meeting all of you guys from the forums last night. You guys are a great bunch, and Nevermore couldn't ask for any better fans. Will - you fucking show stealer! I can't believe how much WD talked to you from the stage. That was really sweet (not gay sweet). No wonder you don't remember my name - you're an honorary rockstar!

If anybody is wondering... I finally met up with the soundman, and him, Van, James and I had a very cool few minutes on the side of the bus before they left! :Smokin:

Catch you guys next time. Maybe I could provide security for the next DM show. :heh:

Hhahha nah dude, it ruled! It was really really funny because you were talking to that guy exactly how I imagined you'd yell at me if I made a Hendrix joke :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey, we have a show on Friday June 16th at the The Balcony of the Trocadero in Philly :p We only play for a half hour though.

But yeah dude, it was cool meetin ya!