Okay, we had a thread about N64. But who is really into oldschool gaming? (arcade)


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
where I grew up we never had something like an arcade. never. the only arcade games you could find as a kid in my area was in a themepark. and those sucked.

my parents took my to portugal when I was 8. We went to a restaurant. on the other side of the road was an arcade. "Gimme money".

This is what I played:



I always find myself checking for those two on ebay. But pinballgames are just too expensive and the indiana jones table is one of the most wanted.

I whish I had the space. I have an Mortal Kombat arcade cabinet modded so I can use it with my dreamcast and my chipped xbox (for mame and neo geo). I even hooked it up with lightguns.

anyone into that stuff? My favourites are mostly fight games. samurai shodown, mortal kombat (1,2,ultimate), killer instinct, older dreamcast games like rival schools and those older, simple 3d fighters, DoA, King Of Fighters. metal slug is always a blast and with over 2000 playable mame games it's really hard to find a game you really wanna play. Joust, Rampage, Rampart, Pit Fighter, Breakout, Puzzle Fighter, Street Fighter, Space Invaders, Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Race Drivin', Afterburner.... what a great time. games where supposed to entertain you for 10 minutes and to be as difficult as possible. Ikaruga anyone? Original R-Type or 1942? Railshooters are the shit! Haha. I love that stuff.

Haha, anyone remember Revolution X, the game based on Aerosmith? I think you were like fighting the evil corporate powers trying to keep the music down, and you could shoot explosive CD grenades and stuff :lol: And I loved Time Crisis, Area 51, Police Trainer, all the gun games :D
The original sit-down Star Wars game was always my favorite. Red Five standing by, mother fuckers.

And Spy Hunter. Those things showed up about the time I started hitting the Arcades.
revolution x was awesome. the xbox is too slow to emulate it though. we play house of the dead a lot and point blank! the craziest gun game was "Chiller". looked like that


it's really stupid and gory as hell but good for one or two coins :) (I actually can setup my cabinet so you have to throw in 20 cents to play)

the original sit-down star wars game was great! one of the better vector games :)
I love allmost every midway arcade game. whish I had a cruisn usa sit-down cab!

marcus do you know maximum force? it was like area 51 (same engine, same developer) but with terrorist instead of aliens (or mutants or whatever). can't play those on my cabinet because those games ran on an HD and the emulator needs a lot of horse power to make those games playable.

good times, good times :)
Man I just can't count how much money i spent on Tekken 3 on arcade machines... As for the older ones - Street Fighter FTW! Also love Puzzle Bubble, damn that's some seriously addictive stuff!
Man I just can't count how much money i spent on Tekken 3 on arcade machines... As for the older ones - Street Fighter FTW! Also love Puzzle Bubble, damn that's some seriously addictive stuff!

word! we can spend hours in front of those games. best thing is: we don't have to throw away our money.

best 4-player games: Turtles in Time, The Simpsons: The Arcade Game, NBA Hangtime
Shit, I forgot Tron. At least as awesome as the others I mentioned.

I had a second wave of arcade interest when I was little older and Mortal Kombat had first come out. I loved that stuff, but nothing ever compared to the games I played when I was a little kid. Early 80's stuff.

I would give anything to have some of those games at my house!
My favourite was Cadillacs and Dinosaurs :kickass::kickass:
Also, a similar one called Vendetta ( I think). Finally, there was some game in which you had to shoot and avoid some big balls that turned into smaller balls once you hit them :lol:

I friend of mine have this in his bedroom, that was one of my favorites, but damn, when you pass the first mission you feel that you have ended the whole game!!

My favorites was street fighter and mortal kombat, but there was other good ones as Bad Dudes, Narcs, mm the first ninja turtles, the simpsons game rules!!
FUCK YES, I loved that side-scrolling Simpsons brawler :lol: And Lethal Enforcers, that was another one of those cheesy gun games (never played Maximum Force though! :()
I wish I lived a lot closer to this place:


what's the problem? you can get a ready-to-play mame cabinet really cheap in the us. I have to import all the stuff from the US. It's really easy to build your own, too. And I mean... c'mon, you know how to work with wood.

check this page. it's about all that stuff. go to the "examples" page to see other peoples cabinets. awesome stuff!


I mean... how cool is that:

The Simpsons game, Freddy Krueger pinball, House of the Dead, Tekken 3, Aftershock, Time Crisis, and props to the dude that said Turtles in Time.

I remember that Aerosmith game. Shit sucked nuggets.

OH. And Jurassic Park, where you sat in the car and it was all dark and shit.