omissions in the dark tranquillity entry


keeper of the flame
Oct 10, 2001
safe but not far from the city

the current line-up (and that of their latest release, haven) for dark tranquillity erroneously lists michael niklasson as the guitar player (he plays the bass instead) and makes no mention of martin henriksson, who's the band other guitarist along with niklas sundin.
after projector, fredrik johansson left the band and martin henriksson started playing the guitars instead of the bass. so a new bassman (niklasson) joined the band.

just thought you could be interested. :)

shit, sorry 'bout the server. I'm gonna talk to our IT guy to see if he has any idea why it keeps dying at night (well, night here). I'll try to see if we can put something in the code to restart the database if it isn't running.

Sorry 'bout that again Lutz. It WAS really reliable before, I don't know why it isn't all of a sudden.
Originally posted by jimbobhickville
Lutz, I talked with him. Apparently the backup drive was full so it was crashing out when it tried to backup everything. He's gonna clear up some space so it doesn't keep happening. Hopefully this means it won't happen again.
No problem :)
Let's hope it does bit happen again.

And the line-up should be ok now Rahvin.

the current line-up (and that of their latest release, haven) for dark tranquillity erroneously lists michael niklasson as the guitar player (he plays the bass instead) and makes no mention of martin henriksson, who's the band other guitarist along with niklas sundin.
after projector, fredrik johansson left the band and martin henriksson started playing the guitars instead of the bass. so a new bassman (niklasson) joined the band.

just thought you could be interested. :)


Time flies when you're having fun :)