One more UDO for PPVI !!!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Okay, though Wolf lives in Tennessee and Peter lives somewhere in the US, I think an Accept reunion is wishful thinking......... but UDO in itself is a pretty impressive beast. They have amassed a pretty big catalog and with or without Wolf and Peter also offer Accept material probably done in a way of close to Accept integrity.
Pardon me for being an Accept head.... but I still think Udo (the man) still rocks as well as his whole band and even without the great Wolf Hoffmann and Peter Baltes, these guys would make a great band at PPVI. Who is with me ?

Well, UDO has released as much material as Accept did, if not more. Certainly they have enough to headline any metal festival. If they did some Accept songs I'd consider that icing on an already sweet cake. I'd love to see them at PP6 or anywhere in the US.
accept are booked for 3 shows in europe now. they just got confirmed for a big fest in sweden next year as well. UDO is probably a longshot if there ever was one. with accept doing these shows, the best shot we have is accept. but i'm thinking accept will probably end up playing bwbk. they're playing different fests in europe around the same dates. they should do the same for us with bwbk and PP! accept, nightwish, and SA all on the same weekend?!
SoNofBitcH said:
accept are booked for 3 shows in europe now. they just got confirmed for a big fest in sweden next year as well. UDO is probably a longshot if there ever was one. with accept doing these shows, the best shot we have is accept. but i'm thinking accept will probably end up playing bwbk. they're playing different fests in europe around the same dates. they should do the same for us with bwbk and PP! accept, nightwish, and SA all on the same weekend?!
Holy shit !! You have to be kidding me !!! Accept doing a reunion ? Hmmmmm..... I HAVE to see that. Who is SA ? Sonata ? I am dumbfounded. I think they got the idea from me though personally. >:p~ Holy Cow !! We need Accept in the States !!

well like someone said earlier in a thread, bwbk's been hinting about it for a while. about something really "special" for the next bwbk. if priest had any balls at all, they'd offer them a ton of money to come tour the US with them. and SA is sonata, yes

Walter_Langkowski said:
I'm certainly not saying no to seeing them play live, Bryant. Shit, more than half the fun would be just watching you while they are playing!

I'm sure you'd be a one-man wrecking crew in the crowd! :Spin:

Vanden Plas and Tad Morose are honestly two of my very favorite bands and I feel very lucky to have seen them at PP fests, but Accept is a dfferent monster. I have been listening to them for 20 years and still listen to their classic stuff very often today. I might be a one man wrecking crew, but more likely I would be in a stupified daze with my mouth hanging wide open. I didn't think I would ever get the chance to see them play. I was too poor to see them in their prime as I was high school age.

SoNofBitcH said:
well like someone said earlier in a thread, bwbk's been hinting about it for a while. about something really "special" for the next bwbk. if priest had any balls at all, they'd offer them a ton of money to come tour the US with them. and SA is sonata, yes

Do you have any links about any of these festivals or regarding Accept's "reunion" ? I would like to read more about this. I post on tghe Tad Morose board and there are of course some Swedes on that board. I'll ask them about the Swedish festival.

MetalRose said:
Hahaha. You said "Beast". Sorry Bryant. I'm going to go and listen to Bette Middler now. :)


Ha ha ha you want me to learn that song on guitar ? I plan on bringing either my acoustic or a small rig to the next PP. You can sing it and I will play it. >:p~

lifesadream said:
I would love to see Accept or Udo in the states, Accept was the first band I saw live almost 20 years ago.

I'm really scared Accept is going to be out of Glenn's price range, but I certainly hope he contacts them and gives it a try. Glenn doesn't know me personally... well except for that I am the dumbass who lost his gold badge last year while handing my camera (both were around my neck) to my wife for a picture with Urban Breed.
However, I'll mail Glenn a "best of" Accept, or do whatever I can to try and strike up his interest. He reads and posts here anyway, so I am sure he is more than aware of this thread.

Bryant said:
I'm really scared Accept is going to be out of Glenn's price range, but I certainly hope he contacts them and gives it a try. Glenn doesn't know me personally... well except for that I am the dumbass who lost his gold badge last year while handing my camera (both were around my neck) to my wife for a picture with Urban Breed.
Good thing you were Both Hammered Eh buddy hahahaha ... it was funny when you were Bowing down to him :D
JonnyD said:
Good thing you were Both Hammered Eh buddy hahahaha ... it was funny when you were Bowing down to him :D

Ha ha ha well the bad thing is that I was sober when I lost the damned badge. It wouldn't be as embarassing to say I was drunk and lost it !! It also wouldn't have been as life threatening !! If I wouldn't have talked to the guard (who was serious about his job) about high school football earlier in the day (he and I played on rival schools) I probably would not have made it back in from the restaurant to see Tad Morose. I realized I lost it while on the way back into the venue from Vinyls. He let me in because he remembered me. Thank fucking God for football !!
