opening riff of godhead's lament - E minor or G major?

which one?

  • E minor (obviously)

    Votes: 14 31.1%
  • G major (obviously wrong)

    Votes: 7 15.6%
  • idk

    Votes: 24 53.3%

  • Total voters
Well, G harmonic minor, perhaps. I't can't be natural minor because of the f# leading tone. Also there is no flat five in harmonic minor so it's not STRICTLY diatonic to that scale either. Maybe G harmonic minor with locrian tendencies? .

The last sentence is utterly meaningless. Just because you have a diminished fifth doesn't mean you have 'locrian tendencies'. And compositionally you would work from the harmonic minor, not the natural, so there's nothing remotely unusual about that. I know in your edit you acknowledged that you were grasping at straws but it needed to be said.
Another amazing guitar stupidity moment brought to you by BANGADRIAN (arasmas).

You should make a song countdown sorted by what keys the songs are in.

NR you start the "using your pinkie is pointless" argument again.
ftr i never said it's pointless for everyone. it's just pointless for me because i have really good reach, and the ring is a stronger finger
ftr i never said it's pointless for everyone. it's just pointless for me because i have really good reach, and the ring is a stronger finger
try playing 4 note per string diatonic scales or even regular wholetone-semitone or bebop scale box shapes without your pinky, the speed is bound to be inferior.
well obviously there are certain times when you need the pinky, like yer basic bar chord, so i use it in those situations. but for like a 3 or 4 fret reach where most people would use their pinky, i use my ring because i have wicked stretching powers and it's just what i'm used to, i basically play rock and blues anyway so who gives a shit about technique or fingering