Opeth wallpapers!

Collapse Generation

Son Of November
Jul 21, 2002
I made these a few days ago (just added the text, found the
winterpics on the web). Feel free to use them on your desktop!
Notice: They are about 300k each, so it may take a while to download.


Originally posted by Lordenlil
I'm sorry - u don't need a class for doing that :)
With all do respect, Collapse.

Yeah I'm sure if I messed around with Photoshop I could do something similar...but I was just saying I'm taking a class so I can learn what all the buttons do and stuff like that.
They do look very good, but in my mind BWP and the songs off it aren't "snowy", like the background pictures. I'd always pictured them to be more modern and more sick. But they do look nice.
I do notice that the O in Opeth is different than the band logo,
did you make this yourself, or did you get this "new" logo from

I did not make the font myself. The font I used is called Ruritania,
which kicks mucho ass, in my opinion. I asked for the original font
which is used on their covers in a forum a week ago, but I have
not got an answer yet. So I just searched the net for an
appropriate font, and Ruritania was the closest match of those
I found.
Originally posted by Collapse Generation
I did not make the font myself. The font I used is called Ruritania,which kicks mucho ass, in my opinion. I asked for the original font which is used on their covers in a forum a week ago, but I have not got an answer yet. So I just searched the net for an appropriate font, and Ruritania was the closest match of those
I found.

It's also the font used by a Slovakian (??? ) band called Okrist to make their logo.. They are signed to forensick music... :)