Orphaned Land are FAMOUS in LEBANON


New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2004
Hey, my names Karim i'm from lebanon and i just wanna say that even thow lebanon and israel where and r in war and they fight all the time, Orphaned Land r really famous here...thats a perfect example that music can bring the world to peace....i hope we can see u guys in concert here..i think i'll go to turkey for a concert this summer :headbang:
Marhaba ya Fafiki !!
Welcome in !!
Godo to have you with us and im happy to tell you that there are other Lubnaniye here !!
Lanthvick for example is lebanese too :)

Peace was always here ya Khayye, in the hearts of simple people like you and me!
good evening every one ,i ve bein away from this forum for a bit ,sorry
Welcome again karim ....
well since u mentioned it ,and even thou the band knows its reputation worldwide ,and lebanon precisly , Yes i say u guys r so famous and another point ,orphanedland is like a weapon :Shedevil: in lebanon against whats being published against jewish saddly ,
thanks nathalie ,
and by the way there still jews in lebanon in few numbers ,and my neighboor is one of them ,...
welll the idea that ( at least am tryin to say ) ,is that there only one religion in this world ,the religion of morals and maners ,not being christian ,muslim nor jewish ... the 3 holy books r chapters of one supreme book ...and plus look to buda s worshipers ,,those whom r being concidered as blasphemers compared to the holy books ...they r way better than billions of believers ...for they knew the base of all what so called human interaction .
and that s what we pray and hope for all people to understand ..
hey again!....i didn't know that there where jews in lebanon!
i live in beirut thats why...
if i`ll tell you that there were jews in india (alot of them) pakistan, afghanistan syria and yemen, would you believe? neither will I. but the jews were kicked out by the persian empire, babylon empire and ofcourse the roman and the ottman empires so where ever these empires dwelled, jews lived there :)

dont forget the many times lebanon appeared in the old bible, which is often a history book !!
Hey you guys, another Lebanese in here. :) And I've been listening to Orphaned Land for a pretty long time now, and as some of you said music should bring us together and make us forget our differences.
And about Jews in my country Lebanon, yes there still are some and they live peacefully amongst us. I have learned that there were much more Jews before the civil war in here, but they fled when it broke.
Peace out, cheers.:)
after `48 I think most jews in the mid. east decieded to return where be believe to be belong, that also inclides hige communities from lebanon, Haleb (7aleb) in syria, iraq/ iran and also egypt. (in Alexandria there was a large community of dutch jews acually)
yeah, but it's not the correct time to raise the Kingdom of Israel as said in Torah, is it ??
I mean the Christ should come and build the kingdom, after killing the Anti-Christ .
and anti-christ isn't here yet (as said in Torah)

by the way even muslims and christians agree that Christ will return and build the god's kingdom in Palastine but after he kills the anti-christ, so it's not his time yet.
when did this turn into a historie lesson?
cant we all just get along?
forget our religions just people talking!
hey guys this isnt an ad or sumting but i've just created a forum for my band and its website so can u see it and add sum stuff to it and become members...if u like
thanx any way

forum==> http://forums.cjb.net/?mforum=twistedmentalit

its not very good but i'm working on it...it should be Twisted Mentality but its free so i cant edit the name....

does anybody know a good website where i can creat a free forum?
EdDY866 said:
when did this turn into a historie lesson?
cant we all just get along?
forget our religions just people talking!

it s not a history lesson ,but u ll get used to ,since u r new here :D
and dont worry harmony rules the place :headbang:
Nora El Nora, ne'ezar begvura shuvi elay malki
Dodi refa, nafshi nichsefa, lebeitach malchi
Nora El Nora, ne'ezar begvura

Nora Ashira, Lach akabira, shir mahalali
Lecha etna menat chevly vegoraly

Bekol zman azor el nora, geza avraham, netzer tifa'ara,
Ata el hai noten torah

Nora El Nora, the lord of courage
Return me my lord, mend my wounds,
my soul is yearning, and in valor we wait.
Nora i sing thee, a hymn of praise,
to you I give my life and faith
Through all time, mighty Nora,
deliver us progeny of Abraham,
Offspring of greantess,
you are the libing God,
giver of Torah