Orphaned Land at Summer Breeze

Jan 10, 2004
AWESOME! :worship:

There's only one word really to describe Orphaned Land's performance in Abtsgmünd today.

Every single minute was filled up with so much passion and so many emotions, I was overwhelmed myself. Kobi's such a charismatic frontman and his communication skills with the audience are incredible, but it was of course the whole band that gave 100% and made Summer Breeze 2005 an unforgetable event. Even the "weather god" seems to be an Orphaned Land fan; during their set it almost stopped raining and we even got to catch a glimpse of sunshine.

It was also very cool to meet Geri, Hypnos and the two Christians (hope I remember your names correctly, guys!).

Finally, shalom and toda raba to Eden, Kobi, Uri, Matti, Tal and Avi for being such incredibly nice and down to earth people - it was really great meeting you!

Am a bit sad now that it's all over - post-gig-blues, as they call it - but hey, it's only six weeks 'til you'll be touring Europe again. Hurray!

Cheers, Susann

Oh, and here's the set list:

Ocean Land
El Meod Na'ala
Kiss of Babylon
Halo dies
A neverending way
Norra el Norra
Birth of the three
RashomoN said:
did anyone take any pictures?
Well, personally I gave up taking pictures at gigs years ago. Not because they didn't turn out good - well, some of them didn't ;) - but I realised that I payed too much attention on taking photos and couldn't enjoy the concert itself. Sounds like a contradiction, but you probably get the idea.
People used to ask me afterwards "What was the gig like?" and I had to reply something like "Don't remember, have to wait 'til I see the photos..." (Ahhh, those were the times before the invention of the digital camera ;) )
Anyway, Geri took some pictures, and, as she pointed out to me, some Israeli journalists as well, so I'm sure you'll get to see lots of great photos on here or on the Hebrew forum soon.
hallo sister! gut heimgekommen?

anyway, the show was AWESOME!!! Sister Ophelia pointed that out! 100% madness. i took some pics of them, but it'll take a few days until i can post them somewhere...

Orphaned Land seriously kicked ass! cannot wait til 4th october in Ludwigsburg...
Hypnos said:
hallo sister! gut heimgekommen?
Unfallfrei heimgekommen trifft es hier eher...Kurz vor Stuttgart wurde ein Alptraum wahr: mein vorderer linker (natürlich...!) Scheibenwischer gab seinen Geist auf! Glücklicherweise hatte der Regen inzwischen deutlich nachgelassen und mit dem vorgeschriebenen Sicherheitsabstand kriegt man ja auch nicht mehr so viel Spritzwasser vom Vordermann ab... ;)
Habe übrigens ganz versäumt, Dir zu Deinem Tiamat T-Shirt zu gratulieren! Nachdem die Band ja jahrelang bei Ihren Konzerten eher gepflegte Langeweile verbreitet hatte, haben sie mich im Januar auf der Tour mit Pain zum ersten Mal live so richtig begeistert. :headbang:
Noch einen schönen Sonntag, und man sieht sich in Ludwigsburg. Can't wait!!!! :hotjump:
das hört sich aber gar nicht so gut an Susann...freue mich trotzdem daß du Unfallfrei heimgekommen bist.....

es hat Spaß gemacht mit euch beiden und hoffe, wir können das mal bei Gelegenheit wiederholen .... nur die Abstände zwischen uns sind "a bißle" zu groß ;)

Grüße --> Geri
Geri said:
das hört sich aber gar nicht so gut an Susann...freue mich trotzdem daß du Unfallfrei heimgekommen bist.....

es hat Spaß gemacht mit euch beiden und hoffe, wir können das mal bei Gelegenheit wiederholen .... nur die Abstände zwischen uns sind "a bißle" zu groß ;)

Grüße --> Geri

Yeah, it's a real pity you'll be on holiday in early October. I sorted my tickets für Holland and Ludwigsburg, need to have the windscreen wiper repaired before though. ;)
I'm quite positive we'll be seeing each other at an Orphaned Land gig in Germany SOMEWHERE in the not too distant future! :wave:
RashomoN said:
Damn......I have to work realy hard on my deutsch.....
Are you teaching yourself - with the help of family/friends - or are you taking classes? Myself, I really wanna take adult evening classes in Hebrew this autumn. Never thought that a metal band would encourage me to take up a language as difficult as Hebrew. :headbang:
Geri said:
ah Eran - haver shely...ata mevin germanit tov ve ata tzarih rak kzat targil - ze hakol ;)

and as i said - you can have my help anytime!
Right, Geri, just give me a minute, I'll get out my dictionary... ;)
and i couldn't resist to correct myself and write it "real" down for you Susann so maybe you can find it better in your dictionary like this ;)

חבר שלי

אתה יכול להבין גרמנית טוב

אתה צריך רק מעט תרגיל

Oh my, I should just have kept my mouth shut for once...well, I'll give it a try anyway:

haver shely...ata mevin germanit tov ve ata tzarih rak kzat targil - ze hakol

something something...you understand German well and you only need a little practice - that's all

BTW, as I still haven't got round to downloading a Hebrew font, Geri, instead of Hebrew letters all I see on this screen is "??????????". Have to use the computer at work to actually be able to see and read Hebrew...
Avi told me what I said offended some people.It was a joke and i didn't mean to hurt anyone.
Ich bin Erbärmlich.
I hope i said it right. damn free internet translators.

and sister ophelia, I don't want you to get the wrong impression, I like other things too. ;)
paradoxile said:
and sister ophelia, I don't want you to get the wrong impression

How much wronger an impression could I possibly get? ;)

paradoxile said:
I like other things too. ;)
Someday, somewhere, we'll meet at an Orphaned Land gig. Then you can tell me about those things ;)
You're more than welcome here in Israel because it's very unlikely I would come to germany in the next two years.

mmm discipline from a deutche frau :headbang: