OT: Killer movies?

Firstly, the ones I still quote lines from constantly:

1. TEAM AMERICA = Best bloody movie EVER!
2. Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story
3. Hercules Returns

Other awesome movies:

4. Sin City
5. Serenity
6. American Psycho

Ptah Knemu said:

:lol: I was going to put that movie in, a friend of mine brought it around for me to watch the other night and oh..my..god what a TERRIBLE movie! Matt Stone's doped out face and ungodly mullet constantly appearing was the only thing that kept me cracking up the whole way through.

Has anyone seen Peter Jackson's first movie called 'Bad Taste'? That has to be one of the most supremely terrible movies, but hilarious at the same time.
Yesterday, i saw "Equilibrium". And it was much more better than any Matrix movie (they all sucked) out there. OK, it is not a killer movie, but it is really about an interesting topic, and it tells a good story, also there is good and "enough" action to make you watch it. It would easily be called as a sci-fi, if some scenes were not exaggerated.
Dead Poest Society
The Usual Suspects
American History X
Jacobs Ladder
Sin City
Shawn of the Dead

Thats all i could think, if I can come up with more I'll add them latter
American Psycho

I was quite dissapointed with that movie...except for his analysis of Huey Lewis and Phil Collins vs Genesis.

Has anyone seen Peter Jackson's first movie called 'Bad Taste'? That has to be one of the most supremely terrible movies, but hilarious at the same time.
Bad Taste, Brain Dead and Meet the Feebles are all brilliant.
Taliwakker said:
I was quite dissapointed with that movie...except for his analysis of Huey Lewis and Phil Collins vs Genesis.

that Phil Collins vs Genesis bit kills me every time.. I loved it because it just really makes fun of the yuppy NY society. I found it to be more of a comedy than anything else.

turke said:
Yesterday, i saw "Equilibrium". And it was much more better than any Matrix movie (they all sucked) out there. OK, it is not a killer movie, but it is really about an interesting topic, and it tells a good story, also there is good and "enough" action to make you watch it.

I LOVED Equilibrium, mind you if no one has noticed yet, I'm rather partial to anything concerning Christian Bale. The only thing really disappointing about Equilibrium was the fact they killed Sean Bean off SO quickly! His 5 minutes in it were brilliant.
DoomsdayZach said:
Orgazmo is NOT a terrible movie! It is spectacular! Gah... women!

Did you listen to the drunken comentary? Holy fuck, that was funny.

Watched Kill Bill again... i love that movie.

OK I admit, the main thing that ticked me off about Orgasmo was the fact that snooty Morman chick NEVER gets hit with the orgasmo gun. I was hoping they would and she would turn from a prissy church girl into someone who is actually fun! (not just annoying).

I didnt see the commentary..but kind of wish I had now.

And yes, add Kill Bill to my list, I didnt mention it before because so many people had already.
SilentRealm said:
I LOVED Equilibrium, mind you if no one has noticed yet, I'm rather partial to anything concerning Christian Bale. The only thing really disappointing about Equilibrium was the fact they killed Sean Bean off SO quickly! His 5 minutes in it were brilliant.

But he played his part very good, and it is enough. :Spin: By the way i realised in this movie, for the first time in my life i called a guy "good looking" :tickled: It is Christian Bale.
Taliwakker said:
Bale was good in The Machinist.....but i still haven't had any gay moments for him yet...hope that won't affect our relationship Charis

The Machinist, another fantastic movie.

As for Christian, even as skeletal as he got for that movie, he still had that thing in his eyes that made me think.. 'oh yeah, I want him'.

Tali, you know a lack of gay moments for ANY man can only further strengthen our relationship ;)
1. Full metal jacket
2. 2001 space odyssey
3. Chinatown
4. Saving private ryan
5. Crouching tiger hidden dragon
6. House of flying daggers
7. Gladiator
8. Forrest Gump
9. The longest day
10. Fight club
11. Godfather 1
12. American beauty
13. Office space!
14. Night of the living dead (B and W verison)
15. Big trouble in little china
16. Dances with wolves
17. Back to the future 1 and 2 not 3
18. Lord of the rings
19. Matrix just the first one the others were crap!
20. Dumb and dumber
But it wasn't a horror movie. It was an hour and a half of kicking zombie's asses. I don't remember feeling frightened at any point in the movie.

In fact, i believe the problem with today's horror scene is a lot of the japanese flicks, especially the ones redone in america (The Grudge, for example, sucked teh big one11!!). I'm not big on the horror genre, but gratuitous violence in movies definitely has a place in my heart.
Saving Private Ryan. My stomach couldn't take it. I regret that i've seen it. Cause army duty is an obligation in my country, and i didn't make it yet. So now i am more afraid of it :)